The interior of the bedroom, for which two main colors are defined – black and white – is an original, bold and spectacular choice. Two classic contrasting colors and two different energy colors.

Features of black and white bedroom interior

When creating a bedroom interior in a contrasting combination, it is necessary to take into account important nuances. White color helps to visually expand the space, and black, on the contrary, so we maintain a balance in the use of contrasting surfaces.

It is necessary to avoid oversaturation of the interior with a lot of black and white patterns, ornaments, prints. At the stage of developing the selected bedroom interior design, it is important to correctly place light accents with the help of natural and artificial lighting. For example, a black ceiling with harmonious lighting does not look gloomy and does not create an oppressive atmosphere in the bedroom.

Black and white wallpaper in the bedroom

One of the most common and appropriate options for this color combination is white wallpaper with black décor or pattern. Black décor on a white wallpaper base is presented in the form of geometric and abstract prints, especially the popular black and white stripes of different widths and different sizes of squares, beautiful floral and floral patterns.

A beautiful and stylish choice is also possible in favor of alternating pasting walls with black and white wallpaper. For example, one wall is white, the other is black, or white wallpaper is on most of the surface of the walls, and black is in the form of imitations of columns or wall panels.

Black and white ceiling in the bedroom

The design of the ceiling in a black and white bedroom, most often, is performed in an airy and pure white color. Often the white ceiling is decorated with an exquisite pattern or a pattern in black in combination with modern artificial lighting. Very rarely, the ceiling of the bedroom is decorated in black. This option, which will require well-planned and high-quality lighting, is not suitable for everyone.

The preferred materials for finishing the surface of the ceiling of a black and white bedroom are matte, glossy, satin stretch ceilings made of vinyl film.

Также пользуются спросом многоуровневые гипсокартоновые потолочные конструкции, позволяющие разместить внутри потолка необычную и гармоничную подсветку. Универсальная декоративная штукатурка белого цвета тоже остается в тренде.

Шторы для спальни в черно-белом дизайне

Вариантов текстильного оформления оконного проема спальни в черно-белом цвете огромное количество. Среди самых актуальных: однотонный воздушный белый тюль для спальных комнат с недостаточным естественным освещением, черная органза, оттеняющая белизну стен и окна, шторы в вертикальную или горизонтальную полоску, а также шахматный рисунок для просторных черно-белых спален, контрастные растительные и цветочные узоры и орнаменты для современных спальных комнат.

Many leading interior designers recommend diluting the laconic black and white bedroom interior with curtains or curtains in other accent colors, such as yellow, orange, gold, turquoise, gray and metallic.

Black and white bedroom furniture

The choice of color for a bedroom set or individual furniture products will directly depend on the color in which the main surfaces in the interior are made – ceiling, floor, walls. It is important to remember the features of black and white, which relate to their visual perception.

A contrasting combination of individual furniture elements looks original, for example, a white bed, a black wardrobe with white doors, a white chest of drawers with a black stylish pattern. You can choose plain furniture in black or white, but it is important that its location is of a contrasting color, otherwise it will be visually lost.

Black floor in white bedroom

The white floor in the bedroom is a fairly common occurrence that does not cause any concern. And what about the black floor in the snow-white bedroom? The black floor is also in great demand. It creates a special atmosphere and against the background of the rest of the interior with a predominance of white looks simply amazing.

As for the materials for the black floor, the best in quality and appearance are painted natural wood, porcelain tiles, real black marble or its budget high-quality counterpart, black carpeting.

Small black and white bedroom

For the interior design of a black and white bedroom of a small area, it is better to use white color that visually increases the space in surface decoration, ergonomic, built-in, corner furniture or furniture transformers.

For the decoration of walls, ceiling, floor, as well as textile decoration, materials with a small and sophisticated black pattern or print on a white base are used.

To visually enlarge the bedroom, bright multi-level lighting is necessarily used: chandeliers, spotlights, LED lighting, wall sconces and floor lamps.

White bedroom with black accents

Accents are different, but their main unifying quality is attracting attention. For example, a white bedroom with a black bed covered with chic black bedding or a blanket will cope with such a task. On the white wall above the bed, you can effectively place a black wall panel with a beautiful textured finish.

Black and white bedroom with color accents

For those who appreciate a harmonious black and white combination in the interior of the bedroom, but want to bring a unique and atmospheric zest to the room, designers recommend using stylish multi-colored accents in bright contrasting colors, as well as in gray, silver, pastel shades. This will soften the categorical black and white interior and create a special harmonious interior.

The black and white bedroom is an original, stylish and very symbolic version of the interior, which is ideal for brave and thinking people.