Eight billion people move around the world. We dress, eat, move from one place to another and, to a greater or lesser extent, we all accumulate waste. Optimizing these decisions to minimize the impact on the environment is a necessary and responsible act and, in case you had not yet noticed … it is increasingly fashionable!

Life inside the house can improve that footprint you leave at every step. IKEA, through

There is no excuse to make this motto your modus operandi. With a few simple changes to your routines, you can effortlessly implement the three Rs.

Think, for example, of the amount of clothes you buy and never wear, or the foods you include in the shopping cart that end up spoiling without even having tried them. A good trick to move to rational consumption is to wait a reasonable time before clicking on online purchases. In this way it will be easier for you to acquire only what you really want or need. If, in addition, you reuse products that are still valid and recover materials for future uses, you will not only do the environment a favor, but you will also notice it in your pocket.

Another trick is to maintain an orderly system in Waste management That will make recycling not cost you so much and become another step in your daily tasks. Try it, when you have been doing it for a few days, you will be unable to mix waste again. Lack of space should not be a problem. There are millions of combination that adapt to any corner.

According to a UN report, “an estimated 11.200 billion tons of solid waste is collected worldwide each year.” And yes, you also contribute to this, but you can do a lot to help this figure decrease.

The home of IKEA change

Enhancing the natural light of your home will improve your well-being: it will provide you with vitamin D, help you to be in a better mood, since light stimulates the production of serotonin, and even improve your productivity. But it can also give you some more benefit that might surprise you. As Javier Albares, a specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology and member of the Chronobiology Group of the  explains, “natural light regulates biological rhythms by sending signals to the structures of the brain that contain the central circadian clock”. That is, if you receive natural light during the day, and especially in the morning, you will help your circadian clock to have an orderly rhythm and, when night comes, you will enjoy an optimal quality of sleep.

In addition, taking advantage of natural light will allow you to save approximately between 40 and 70% on the energy bill and, in addition, you will be contributing to improving energy efficiency.

And, for when there is no light or it is scarce or insufficient, what better than to bet on LED   which consume up to 85% less energy and their duration can be up to 20 years. If, in addition, you use power strips with several plugs, you can disconnect several devices at once and the electricity bill will drop considerably.

The home of IKEA change