Plants to scare away the whitefly: Tagete.

The tagetes, also known as Moorish carnations or carnations, are plants that have flowers of yellow or orange tones and large compound leaves. These plants emit an aroma that acts as a natural repellent for aphid, whitefly and also scares away ants. In addition, the compound called thiophene present in the roots of the tagetes helps to scare away the nematodes, roundworms that can be very destructive to the vegetables in the garden.



Plants to scare away whitefly: mint.

Peppermint (Mentha) not only possesses a distinctive and pleasant aroma, but is also an ideal plant to keep bees and wasps away. In addition, among , it has the ability to repel other insects harmful to your crops, such as whitefly, ants and aphids, although they do not have a sting. As if that were not enough, mint is one of the simplest outdoor aromatic plants to care for. In short, mint offers a perfect combination of benefits: pleasant aroma, protection against unwanted insects and ease of maintenance. An excellent choice for your garden!


Plants to scare away the whitefly: sage.

If you decide to place a pot ofrosemary on your balcony, you will be surprised to see how the presence of flying insects, such as whitefly, mosquitoes, flies and moths, decreases significantly. This is because these bugs do not tolerate the intense aroma of rosemary, which in turn is highly appreciated by people. Even if you are not very skilled at caring for plants, you do not have to worry, since rosemary does not require too much special care. A simple and effective option to keep insects at bay!


Plants to scare away the whitefly: Calendula.

If you want an effective plant to prevent the presence of whitefly, sage (Salvia officinalis) is the ideal choice. In addition, it will help you repel mosquitoes and keep them away from your home. On the other hand, sage acts as a natural repellent for ants, snails, slugs, caterpillars, beetles, cabbage butterflies and aphids. If you are interested in curiosities, here is one: sage is said to have the ability to fill your house with positive energy. A multifunctional plant that offers both aesthetic and practical benefits!


Plants that scare away the whitefly: basil.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a charming plant with small flowers that unfold their beauty in spring. Its care is so simple that it is common to find different varieties of this plant. In addition to delighting us with its pleasant aroma, calendula has the virtue of effectively repelling whitefly. But that’s not all, this plant also scares away mosquitoes, flies, aphids, bedbugs, cutter caterpillars, worms and snails. Its value is truly remarkable, as it plays a pivotal role in protecting our plants against a variety of unwanted insects.


Plants to scare away whitefly: thyme.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an aromatic plant very beneficial for repelling mosquitoes. If you have a vegetable garden, this plant is especially useful, as it attracts pollinators and at the same time repels whitefly, mosquitoes, flies, aphids and bedbugs. But that’s not all, basil can also scare away cockroaches. Try placing dried basil leaves at the entrance or under the sink and notice how these pests are intimidated by their presence. Basil is a versatile and effective plant that can give you multiple benefits in controlling unwanted insects.


Thyme (Thymus) has the ability to repel both whitefly and ants. You can choose to grow your own thyme plant at home or simply place a bouquet in strategic locations. In addition to this property, thyme is also believed to have the ability to protect against bad energies, nightmares and envy. Take note of these additional qualities of thyme, it can be a beneficial addition to your home!


Nettle (Urtica dioica), apart from being known for its use in infusions to relieve spring allergies, has several beneficial applications. One of them is to strengthen the defensive capacity of plants and stimulate their growth. However, the highlight is its effectiveness against whitefly and aphid: its unpleasant smell acts as a powerful repellent that prevents these insects from approaching your garden or orchard. Nettle is a valuable ally in the natural control of pests and in the promotion of a healthy environment for your plants.

Plants to scare away the whitefly: rue.


Rue (Ruta graveolens) stands out for being a highly repellent plant in pest management. Its aroma and color generate confusion among insects, which prevents them from invading the garden or orchard. It is especially effective in scaring away whiteflies and also facilitates the control of other pests such as aphids, mites, slugs and lice, which could pose a threat to your plants. Rue is renowned for its ability to protect your crops naturally and effectively.