Are you a traveler who likes to taste foods in unusual restaurants in the world while you are traveling? Usually, one goes to a restaurant to get a meal they like, or to have a new experience with food. So, to enjoy this moment very freely and quietly is the hope of many people who go to a restaurant. But some crazy lame weird restaurants all over the world add weird style variations to this kind of restaurant experience. Having a meal from these will be a strange experience. Let’s see information about those restaurants. Here are the top 5 most unusual restaurants in the world.

01. Devil Island Prison Restaurant – China

12 Most Unusual & Weird Restaurants in the World –
Time and time again said! A person who goes to this restaurant is treated like several people who have made a mistake and are destined to be in prison. As soon as we go to this, they will take our fingerprints and as a prisoner, they take a photo of us with a number given to us and put it directly in a prison cell. Because of that, we have to eat in this restaurant as a prisoner. It is said that the purpose of running this restaurant with such a strange theme is to show people the consequences of making wrongdoers.

02. Heart Attack Grill – America

Heart attack grill in usa - Dago fotogallery
As the name suggests, this restaurant in Las Vegas in America sells high-calorie meals that cause heart attacks. The food in this restaurant is named after heart attack names like Bypass Burgers. Restaurant maids dressed as sexy nurses to serve food. The customers who come to eat are given clothes like those worn by patients. An order for food is called a prescription. If you don’t finish the high-calorie food you bought, you will be attacked with a bat by a waitress. It is said that the people who come to this restaurant to get food are fat people who like to eat low-fat food. Some people have heart attacks while eating heavy meals in this restaurant.

03. New Lucky Restaurant – Ahmedabad- India

New Lucky Restaurant Ahmedabad Gujarat I Lucky restaurant | Times of ...
This is a place where you can enjoy tea and other sweets. This restaurant is built in a cemetery. There are 12 graves inside the restaurant. It is believed that these are the burial pits of saints who lived in the 16th century. Tables and chairs are placed near these graves and food is served to those who eat and drink. But no one hesitates to come here and enjoy a cup of tea and have a bite. The owners of this restaurant also say that because of these dead people, they have seen an improvement. Not a disadvantage.

04. Modern Toilet Restaurant – Taiwan

When in Taiwan: Modern Toilet Restaurant - Shelly Viajera Travel

A visit to the Modern Toilet restaurant, Taipei - CK Travels
Although it is a theme that does not match at all with the food, it is known that this restaurant is also very popular in Taipei, Taiwan. Toilet bowls are used for seats in this restaurant. When you sit on it and order food or drink, most of the food and drink comes in toilet bowl-shaped bowls. An ice cream made in the shape of excrement is also famous in this restaurant. Also, the drinks come in a bowl like a urinal. Even though it comes from such a strange theme, it is known that the food and drinks at this place are delicious, and the price is reasonable.

05. S baggers restaurant – Germany

Restaurant - ニュルンベルク、's Baggersの写真 - トリップアドバイザー
This is a rare fully automatic restaurant in the world. The specialty of this restaurant is that there are no waiters. Diners have to order food through the touch screen on the table. After that, the order goes to the kitchen, and after the food is prepared, a separate route system has been prepared to mechanically send it to the respective table. This is a very romantic restaurant. Isn’t it amazing?

Therefore, if you are a traveler I suggest you should visit the above most unusual restaurants in the world.