Decorative stone has long been an ideal solution for landscape design. It looks harmoniously with the environment, flowers, trees and at the same time successfully places accents in the compositions. Basically, this element of décor is used in the design of the garden, personal plots, alpine slides, a decorative pond, as well as parks. But there are many other, modern solutions in landscape design.

Types of stones for landscape design

In landscape design, not only plants are used, but also stones. They look beautiful, complementing the overall composition. In general, all breeds that are used in work can be divided into three groups:

  • natural stone. A variety of shades of granite allows you to choose the optimal color scheme for any landscape model. Basically, this stone is used for facing arches, buildings, gazebos and fountains. Gneiss has a similar composition, but slightly different in color. It has high strength and is suitable for the formation of a side fence. In turn, basalt is more suitable for decorating decorative elements of the composition, as well as an alpine slide. This option is represented by a large number of shades for every taste. For the design of paths and cladding structures, it is best to use soft rocks such as limestone, sandstone or slate. They look attractive in the décor, but at the same time they do not stand out too much against the general background. They are mainly used in the design of the green zone. Tuff is a light, porous stone that resembles a sponge. Due to its properties, it absorbs moisture well. And of course, one of the most popular natural materials is marble. It is quite easy to process and unpretentious to care for. In addition, it is represented by a large number of shades.

  • artificial stone. Perhaps one of the most popular types of artificial stone is brick. It has a low cost, which is its main advantage. Basically, brick is used for decorating paths, decorating curbs, as well as for empty open spaces. A variety of shades allows you to choose the best solution. Concrete is used a little less often in the work. Thanks to special additives, you can achieve the desired shade of this material. It is best suited for decorating a driveway.

  • phosphorescent stone. In daylight, such stones are no different from others and are almost invisible. At night, everything changes and they glow. That is why they are actively used to decorate paths, curbs, sides of pools, fountains or ponds. This design looks very beautiful and in the dark creates a truly fabulous, cozy atmosphere.

How to use natural stone in landscape design?

There is an opinion that only decorative stone should be used in the work. In fact, this is not the case, and an excellent confirmation of this is the Japanese garden. It involves the use of natural stone. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to involve a designer for this. It is enough to make a collage yourself, taking into account the dimensions of the free space. And then just implement this idea. The main thing is that the stones are as natural as possible, but without sharp lines. The ideal solution would be stones of irregular but streamlined shape. If desired, you can additionally use small pebbles of oval, round or bean-shaped shape. Such details emphasize softness and peace.

The next option for the use of natural stone is landscape design of the landscape type. This is ideal for beginners, as it is necessary to imitate nature in its manifestations. That is, it is not at all necessary to transfer and process boulders. Leave all bumps, chips and even moss. After all, all these details testify to the natural impact, so they look very beautiful. Best of all, such elements look in a holistic composition.

If the previous option seems too simple to you, you can make the process more creative. That is, to make a hand-painted garden stones. It can be complex patterns in natural shades. If desired, you can simply fill the stones with multi-colored paints. Owners of artistic abilities can make a real masterpiece in the form of a landscape or even a portrait. But please note that for such work it is worth using paints in cans or acrylic paints. They wear off much more slowly and are not washed off with water. If necessary, you can fix the image and make it glossy with a special transparent varnish. But still, it is believed that natural scuffs look more aesthetically pleasing in landscape design.

Advantages of stones in landscape design

In fact, stones in landscape design play not only a decorative, but also a functional role. First of all, it is the possibility of zoning the site. That is, with their help, you can divide the recreation area, the work area and emphasize the decorative composition. In addition, using large stones, it turns out to hide all sorts of design defects. In case you are not planning green spaces, you can fill the space with stones. They do not require care and attention, but at the same time they will look attractive.

Among the advantages of the stone, it is worth noting its environmental friendliness and safety. In today’s world, this is really important, because it allows you to be closer to nature and naturalness. In addition, the stones are characterized by high performance. They are strong, durable and resistant to external factors. And this is really important in the design of landscape design. After all, it will be under the influence of the sun, wind, water and frost.

Stones have become an integral part of landscape design. Therefore, feel free to use it in the design, because with its help you can implement even the most daring design decisions.