Create a budget version of the interior in the kitchen with an area of 6 sq.m. The task is not easy. The happy owners of the “Khrushchevs” have been working on its solution for more than a decade. After all, the room must accommodate all the necessary equipment, including equipment, have an attractive design and at the same time ensure the free movement of all inhabitants of the living space. Is it possible to create an interior that meets the specified criteria?

Rules for creating a mini-interior

First of all, you should work on the visual perception of the kitchen space so that it is comfortable to be in it. To do this, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:


Bright and dark tones narrow the room and oppress its inhabitants. Therefore, it is better to give preference to a pastel palette of colors: milky, beige, cream and others.

Wall decoration

Wallpaper or other coating should be decorated with a light and relaxed ornament. No large patterns, and if a small print, then not on all surfaces.


The more light options there are in a small kitchen, the more spacious it will seem. Housewives are only on hand, because good lighting prevents traumatic situations.


It is advisable to choose the surfaces of a furniture set or ceiling from glossy reflective materials. It is permissible to complement the interior with mirrors. Thus, the room will seem larger than it really is. And the feeling of free space is the first plus in the offset of the correct design.

Forbidden tricks

In addition, there is a list of prohibited techniques that absolutely cannot be used in a kitchen with an area of 6 sq.m. These include:

  • massive furniture;
  • bright prints and photo wallpapers;
  • heavy curtains on the floor;
  • multi-layered curtains;
  • dark palette of walls and floor;
  • Drawing on the ceiling.

That is, it is better to hang transparent tulle in the kitchen, install simple light furniture, decorate the ceiling only with white or variations of a light palette.

Style solutions

Accordingly, the design should exclude prohibited techniques and meet the listed design rules. Among the rich list of existing styles, the following are considered the most suitable.


The best design option for a small room. Implies:

  • a minimum of décor and furnishings;
  • the rule of three colors and no more;
  • light calm palette;
  • built-in appliances;
  • maximum amount of natural and artificial light.

Observing the above rules, it will be possible to visually increase the space and rationally use the existing environment.


In addition to the minimal use of furniture and accessories in the design, the style is characterized by geometric clarity. It is better to choose a modular type of kitchen set, use glass and metal in the design.


In this case, the emphasis is on harmony with nature. Therefore, only natural materials are used for the kitchen, as well as décor. Among living plants and wooden surfaces, furniture of light shades, large open windows with Japanese curtains made of bamboo or cotton fabric fit perfectly.


Это некая вариация минималистического дизайна с небольшой вольностью в цветах. Кухню возможно украсить легким растительным узором. Стиль допускает смешивание строгих и плавных линий в сочетании с глянцевыми панелями.

Design tricks

In addition to the play of color and furnishings, other tricks can be used in the interior that affect the perception of the kitchen environment. For example, horizontal lines help to expand a room that is too narrow. But due to the fact that such a décor “reduces” the ceiling, stripes should be drawn in a limited way: on an apron or one of the walls.

But the low ceiling, on the contrary, will raise the vertical stripes. It is permissible to increase the area with the help of the floor on which the tiles should be placed diagonally. A similar effect is exerted by a parquet pattern of small dies. Plus, for a narrow kitchen, it is better to lay floorboards across.

For your convenience, it is better to get rid of swing doors and headset doors. It is better if the layout implies a compartment opening. Finally, you can free up space by moving the refrigerator to the hallway, for example. If this is not possible, it is permissible to choose a narrower and more elongated technique.

Redevelopment options

Redevelopment may involve rearranging furniture, using non-standard solutions and areas, or building up the kitchen by eating rooms. The first two methods are among the simplest solutions that you should try before drastic changes in the apartment project.

So, incorrectly placed furniture can reduce free space even in large areas. After all, furnishings should be made in accordance with the shape of the room.

  1. A set and a dining group in a rectangular kitchen are installed in a line.
  2. The letter “P” should be placed in a square kitchen. Often in such a room, the dining group no longer fits, so it is possible to build a folding table in place of the window sill.
  3. The L-shaped arrangement is considered the most convenient option, as there is room for a table and chairs, as well as for free movement during cooking.
  4. Furniture is placed in two rows if in a narrow kitchen the wall with the door is located opposite the wall with the window.

At the same time, you should look for non-standard places to store supplies and kitchen utensils: drawers with pull-out shelves, a two-tier structure of hanging cabinets to the ceiling, a built-in wardrobe under the windowsill. And although the latter excludes the heating system in the room, over time, you can make underfloor heating.

But if the presented options for changing the kitchen did not help solve the problem of a small area, you can try to combine the room with the surrounding area: an entrance hall, a balcony or loggia, a living room. This option, of course, is problematic due to the mandatory coordination with the BTI and the scale of the repair work. But he will be able to forever save the owners of a small kitchen from the feeling of limitation.