The kitchen is the pride of any housewife. This space is used for cooking and as a family dining room. Here you can arrange cozy gatherings with a friend over a cup of coffee and even invite a small group of friends. Therefore, the kitchen should be beautiful, practical, multifunctional, safe for health and preferably durable. And in this case, when designing a design, experts recommend that you pay attention to the décor of the walls, since such an interior detail can transform the room, divide it into zones and mask the flaws, if any. At the same time, it is important to choose the right finishing materials, because the kitchen belongs to the category of specific rooms with high humidity, frequent temperature changes and characteristic dirt remaining after cooking. In this article, we will look at the most popular materials for wall decoration in the kitchen and offer readers photos of ready-made interior solutions.

Wall decoration in the kitchen – requirements and features

No matter how much we are attracted by the appearance of certain finishing materials, when choosing suitable ideas for the kitchen, first of all, you should take into account their durability, since the kitchen is most often subjected to wet cleaning, and this, as you understand, is the use of cleaning products and mechanical stress. In addition, the selected type of wall decoration should not ignite and emit hazardous substances when changing the temperature regime.

Also, we should not forget about the need to divide the common space into functional areas – working and dining, which means choosing an interior solution taking into account these factors. For surfaces that will take on the main load, more durable materials should be selected.

When facing the rest of the walls, you can focus on the décor. In addition, the simultaneous combination of several materials will allow the owners of the premises to save money and provides an excellent opportunity to show imagination. Read on to find out what types of materials can be used to design your kitchen.

Painting the walls in the kitchen

This unpretentious and versatile way of finishing wall surfaces in the kitchen is considered a fashionable European trend today, so we start our guide to finishing materials with this option.

Using the proposed material, you do not have to resort to the services of specialists, since painting does not require any specific skills. The main thing is to determine in advance the shades of the waterproof emulsion and prepare the surface of the walls, otherwise the coating will only draw attention to all the irregularities and roughness.

Such a finishing option can serve you for decades and be updated at the request of the owners of the premises.

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

Despite the fact that not every type of modern wallpaper is suitable for decorating the kitchen, designers confidently continue to use such materials to create various interior solutions. And in this case, preference should be given to non-woven or vinyl products.

The main feature of the proposed options is moisture resistance. Therefore, such wallpaper can be subjected to wet cleaning. In addition, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper do not fade in the sun, which is very important for kitchens with constant sunlight, have a very impressive design choice and can be used as a base for painting.

It should be remembered that non-woven wallpaper is sensitive to mechanical damage, and vinyl wallpaper needs more glue consumption and can shrink after final drying. Wallpapers look no less original and attractive in the design of the kitchen, which, due to their variety, are perfect for highlighting an accent wall and are wonderfully combined with other materials.

Ceramic tile

Such a proposal can be called one of the most “not killed” types of coatings, which is perfect for decorating a kitchen apron and for facing larger areas. Ceramic tiles are provided in a wide range, can have a different shape, color and size, rough or glossy surface.

Such material is not at all afraid of water, responds perfectly to temperature changes and mechanical stress, therefore it is durable, which must be taken into account when creating an interior. In other words, you should carefully consider the design, since it will not be possible to dismantle and replace the boring tile with a new one in a short time.

Decorative plaster

If you want to get a unique style and real quality, this type of wall cladding, like decorative plaster, will be the perfect solution. Such a proposal belongs to the category of expensive finishes and requires the involvement of specialists. However, the result will surely please you and allow you to create a unique style.

Plaster is characterized by increased wear resistance, has soundproofing properties and wonderfully retains its original appearance under the influence of high temperatures. And the only drawback is the instability to moisture, experts perfectly compensate by coating the plaster with varnish or water-repellent paint. With the help of such material, you can recreate an imitation of any surface on the walls and apply a bas-relief.

Decorative brick

Many modern interior styles are not complete without such characteristic additions as brickwork, so a similar finishing option is very often used in kitchen design. Decorative brick is made of gypsum or stone and is considered a fairly strong and durable material, can have a white or characteristic brown color or be used for painting. In this way, you can highlight the area around the door or window opening, or focus on one of the walls.

Wooden walls

The option of finishing the surface of the walls with wooden canvases or lining will be an excellent solution for arranging a kitchen not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment. In addition, the tree accompanies many stylistic solutions that are very popular these days, for example, country or Provence. With proper processing, a wooden wall in the kitchen can be compared in durability with stone or tiles, so experts recommend covering the lining with a protective layer of varnish or using it as a base for painting. As a result of such manipulations, the surface can be safely subjected to wet cleaning.

The choice of materials for wall decoration in the kitchen can be called both a useful and informative pastime, since in the modern variety of cladding options, it will not be easy to quickly make a choice. You will not only have to find out the characteristics and features of the option you are interested in, but also compare how suitable it is for your kitchen and the chosen style. Good luck!