Private houses erected outside the city always evoke unusual associations. This is a special world with its own history, laws and secrets. And if we are talking about a luxurious country mansion, then feelings of delight and surprise come to the fore. And really: is it easy to remain indifferent at the sight of such an exquisite interior?

The interior of a rich mansion

First impressions of getting to know the house

You can get into the courtyard of the mansion by overcoming the double-leaf gates made of metal rods painted in a noble brown color. The building involuntarily impresses with its scale, unusual architectural elements and luxury. The building has a fairly symmetrical appearance. The main entrance to the building is located in the very center of the façade, between two antique columns placed on stable pedestals. The massive wooden door is crowned with an arched window of classical shape. The building has two more pairs of similar window structures, which gives the mansion some airiness and lightness.

The exterior of the mansion

The body of the building is lined with façade tiles in the color of coffee with milk, imitating natural stone. The roof of the mansion ends with a low pediment, the triangular field of which is decorated with an original floral ornament. The area in front of the building is covered with paving slabs of various sizes, repeating the main color of the walls of the architectural structure.

Columns in a country house

The area around the mansion is fenced with a massive fence lined with a material that has a pleasant brownish tint. The color scheme of the fence corresponds to the main color of the walls of the main building. Next to the mansion there are several flower beds decorated with ornamental plants and low trees. A significant part of the yard is occupied by picturesque green lawns.

The result of the interweaving of styles

One quick glance at this luxurious mansion is enough to determine the architectural style of the building. The main design idea is based on the use of classic elements and shapes. The features characteristic of classicism can be traced throughout the exterior of the building: in the clarity and symmetry of lines, in the elegance of decoration and thoughtfulness of secondary details.

One of the rooms of the mansion

However, inspection of the interior of the mansion casts doubt on the correctness of the conclusions. Everything here is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The influence of the classical style can be traced here. Nevertheless, a significant part of the interiors of the house is decorated in accordance with the trends of modernism.

The premises of the mansion impress with their high vaults, as well as many graceful lines and decorative elements. When decorating the spacious halls of the mansion, materials such as wood, glass, plastic and various types of metal were used. Despite the proximity of two different styles, the interiors of the rooms of this country house look very organic.

After visiting this room, the image of something unusually bright, airy and spacious remains in the memory for a long time. There is almost no furniture in the hall – in addition to a soft sofa, sitting on which it is convenient to watch TV, there is a pair of comfortable elongated armchairs. The main bright spot in the interior of the hall is an ornamental plant with juicy green leaves.

The hall of a country house

On the territory of the living room

This elongated spacious room serves the owners of the estate not only as a room for receiving guests, but also as a place to work. The living room offers stunning views of the second-floor apartment. Thanks to the balconies located on the line of the second floor, it is possible to admire the solemnity and splendor of this hall from above.

The interior of the main room of the house

The interior of the room is completely designed in brownish tones. In the central part of the living room there is a small round table of elegant shape and four soft massive armchairs upholstered in mother-of-pearl-coffee fabric. Along one of the walls of the room there are open wooden cabinets with books. The space of the other wall is occupied by an elegant sideboard made of the same wood covered with dark lacquer.

View of the living room of a country house

At the end of the room there is a desk, at which serious negotiations are held and important deals are concluded. In addition to the chair occupied by the owner of the mansion, in the working area there are places where his interlocutors can sit.

Living room in a country mansion

Parquet board is used as the main flooring of the living room. The central area of the room is covered with a soft brownish carpet with a low pile. The main lighting of the room is made with the help of a huge chandelier hanging in the center of the hall. There are also additional light sources in the room – small round lamps located under the balconies.

On the territory of the “three kingdoms”

In the realm of kitchen flavors

The kitchen room has a wave of modern look. When decorating this area, the same color scheme is used, which is used in the interior of other rooms. It is dominated by brownish-coffee shades. In the room there are several narrow long tables with comfortable countertops, each of which performs its function. The dining table is complemented by expressive backless kitchen chairs with cream-colored seats.

Kitchen room in the mansion

Designers provide enough space for storing dishes, all kinds of kitchen utensils and household appliances. To do this, the room has several spacious wooden cabinets of a closed type. In addition, the tables are equipped with drawers and shelves, which makes it possible to place everything that a cook may need.

Kitchen in a country mansion

To illuminate the kitchen space, three magnificent chandeliers of muted honey color are used, placed above the dining area. In addition, the room has many small spotlights that have taken their places on the ceiling, around the perimeter of the kitchen. The ceiling structure has a fairly original look. Thanks to the drywall structure, the ceiling looks more elegant and voluminous.

The kitchen space in this house is designed for family dinners, as well as holidays in a close circle of relatives and best friends. For larger events, the mansion has a spacious dining room that can accommodate ten people.

The interior of this hall is peculiar – there is something mysterious in it. Perhaps this feeling is created due to the painting on the walls, made based on oriental legends. Or maybe this mood is evoked by the color scheme in which the entire interior of the dining room is sustained. Most likely, the specificity of the design of this room is due to the influence of all these factors, and some other points, for example, the presence of special lighting in the room.

Several rooms in the country mansion are occupied by bedrooms. Each of them is decorated in its own way. Bedrooms differ both in style and in color.