The impressive scale of a cottage or private household gives much more room for creativity and the embodiment of one’s own ideas than an ordinary apartment. But with great opportunities comes no less responsibility, because any owner of a spacious home expects to get not just a multifunctional space that can satisfy all the needs of the household, but to find the embodiment of family traditions and features in the interior of an attractive and practical house. A modern family nest should not be easily comfortable, filled with warmth and coziness of a pleasant environment, it should meet all the requirements of a progressive person, reflect his inner understanding of beauty and comfort. Of course, to obtain the desired result, there are many ways and the task of each owner of the cottage is to find his own unique way of decorating a home in which it will be convenient, comfortable and interesting for each family member.
One of the easiest, fastest and most effective ways to achieve the desired result is to ask for help in creating the design of the interior design of the cottage to professionals. To choose a harmonious arrangement of all rooms of a private house, to adopt the right color, texture and decorative solutions to create a comfortable and beautiful environment, specialists in their field will be able in a short time, while being in close cooperation with the owners of the home, reflecting in the interior exactly their vision of aesthetics. But it is obvious to everyone that such a way in achieving a harmonious and aesthetic design of private home ownership entails considerable additional costs.
For those who would like to save on creating a design for the entire cottage, you can offer the option of contacting specialists to create the interior of only one room. For example, after the completion of the project of the largest room of the cottage (most often it is a living room, often a studio, which also includes kitchen and dining areas), you can create the atmosphere of the rest of the spaces by analogy. Of course, to continue the path created by designers, it is necessary to have a certain flair for color combinations, the choice of furniture arrangement and the use of accents in the created environment. But given that the room equipped with the help of designers will reflect your understanding of functionality, comfort and beauty, this task is quite feasible, although it will require more time and effort to make design decisions of a wide variety of profiles.
And the last option in creating the interior decoration of the cottage is an independent drawing up of the project. Everyone who has ever made repairs in at least one room understands that the amount of money, time, effort and, possibly, nerves spent, will need to be squared when planning the interior of an entire household. But this task is as difficult as it is interesting. An incredible feeling of joy and happiness from the result obtained can overshadow the scale of the resources spent. We wish you success in achieving your goals and hope that the interesting design projects of cottage rooms selected by us will help you in finding inspiration, original design solutions and skillful techniques to create a truly unique, comfortable and functional environment for your home.
The first floor of the cottage is a modern interpretation of the studio
In modern cottages, the layout of the first floor in the form of a so-called studio is very often used. The spacious room combines the functions of a spacious living room, a multitasking kitchen and a comfortable dining room. Sometimes such spaces are adjacent to the hallway or hall without any enclosing elements, increasing the number of functional segments of the entire space of the first floor. Long gone are the days when studios could only be seen as a way to arrange urban housing, in apartments of new layouts or converted living spaces with removed partitions. The principle of using an open plan when drawing up a picture of the location of functional areas within one spacious room attracts both apartment owners and owners of private cottages, suburban households. The absence of partitions and doors between zones allows not only to preserve the spaciousness and freedom of movement between segments of the home, but also to create a truly harmonious interior of a multifunctional room.
When arranging an open-plan room, there are several ways to decorate the room, select furniture and arrange it, as well as decorate the space and create accents. One of the design options is the use of a single finish in all segments, the preservation of the overall color palette and the use of accents in furniture and décor for conditional zoning. This is one of the easiest ways to maintain a harmonious environment, which allows you not to lose the individuality of each segment of a large room.
The main element of creating conditional zoning is furnishing. By installing a corner sofa, or placing two such elements opposite each other, you quite clearly outline the boundaries of the recreation area. You can highlight the segment of the living room not only with the help of upholstered furniture with colorful upholstery, but also conditionally outline the area with the help of carpeting. The same thing happens in the dining segment – the dining group, consisting of tola and chairs, becomes a kind of island and the only ensemble of the dining area. It is also easy to “understand” the kitchen segment. As a rule, the kitchen set is built into one of the corners of the room and can occupy both the entire length of the wall and part of it. Some ensembles are complemented by a kitchen island to increase storage systems and work surfaces. But whether to have a dining area here is up to you. Modern powerful hoods make it possible to make the presence of a cooking area almost invisible in terms of the spread of odors and burning for the rest of the functional segments of the ground floor space.
Another important element of the arrangement of an open-plan room is the lighting system. On the one hand, the use of various sources of artificial lighting in each zone allows you to create the necessary level of illumination, depending on the presence of windows. On the other hand, we get conditional zoning, which allows lighting fixtures to become highlights of each segment separately and the entire space as a whole.
Examples of decoration of rooms in private households
Living room
Ideally, the planning of the internal arrangement of the cottage, the features of its execution must be taken into account at the stage of developing a construction plan. After all, not only the location of walls, window and door openings affect the situation in the house, it is important to take into account such interior elements as a fireplace in the living room, for example. But it is not always possible to take into account the nuances at the stage of construction of the building, besides, some buy a ready-made cottage with its own architectural features. But this is not always a reason to abandon your dreams and translate into reality ideas about the beauty and convenience of your home. The same fireplace can be equipped without a chimney by buying an electrical appliance and building it into a niche with a natural stone finish. The ability to use advanced technologies, household appliances and advanced finishing materials to create a warm and cozy atmosphere is an incredibly valuable quality in modern realities.
Most cottage owners prefer private home ownership to apartments precisely for the opportunity not to limit their desires when arranging a home. Spacious rooms, large windows, the possibility of redevelopment without the consent of certain authorities – all this gives incredible scope for creating a truly unique, atypical interior of the main room in the house – the living room. Many of us associate the appearance of the main room of the family nest with the presence of a hearth. In the living room, it is the fireplace that often becomes the focal point around which the whole concept of the interior is built. Storage systems are being set up near the hearth, and upholstered furniture is being installed on the contrary for the possibility of comfortable observation of the fire dance. Spacious sofas, comfortable armchairs and a constant coffee table or a compact ottoman as an island are the already traditional layout of the seating area in the living room.
For our ancient ancestors, the presence of a fireplace in the living room was far from a decorative component of the room’s furnishings. The necessary source of heat did not always act as the focal point of the interior. With the advent of heating systems, the need for hearths disappeared, and another important element of the interior of the living room appeared – a TV. Today, there is no need to choose between a fireplace and a video area – combine two sources of emotion and warmth in one functional segment. Upholstered furniture facing this area will perform several functions at once.
A bright living room is always in trend. No matter how large your room is, there are always pastel shades suitable for the interior, which can add elegance to even the most trivial environment. When using light finishes and pastel colors in the performance of furniture, the responsibility for creating color accents rests with the décor, most often wall-mounted. The advantage of the spacious living room is that you can not limit yourself in choosing the size of paintings and family portraits, original panels and even tapestries.
В современных гостиных в качестве акцентной стены чаще всего используется видео-зона. Вокруг телевизора обустраиваются системы хранения, которые могут представлять собой как открытые стеллажи, так и комбинированные модули с разными видами шкафчиков. На фоне светлой отделки гостиной колоритная древесина в исполнении систем хранения смотрится особенно эффектно.
In spacious rooms, there are no restrictions on the choice of color palette. Anyone who prefers dark, deep shades or bright colors as accents, colorful prints or large images on textiles can give free rein to their imagination. For example, the bright upholstery of upholstered furniture against the background of a colorful color finish is a combination that standard apartments simply cannot afford.
The living room, decorated in the style of a chalet, is ideal for a cottage located outside the city. The style of alpine houses has become closer to our compatriots after an active visit to ski resorts. The arrangement of the home, in which the entire interior is subordinated to the introduction to the surrounding nature, is not easy to enjoy, but will also be relevant for many years. Obviously, for the design of the living room in the style of a chalet, it is necessary that the cottage itself be made taking into account the features of the structure and design of buildings in the Alpine theme. High ceilings, large windows, wooden ceiling beams, masonry, the obligatory large fireplace, a variety of upholstered furniture, high-pile carpets (it is possible to use imitation animal skins), large chandeliers, wrought iron and wooden décor – all this is the style of the chalet.
Kitchen and dining room
In a modern cottage with a large area, there may be several options for the location of the cooking area and the segment for meals:
- the kitchen and dining room can act as parts of one large space with the living room;
- the dining room can be part of the living room, and the kitchen is in an isolated room, but located nearby;
- The dining room is located in a separate room.
Depending on which type of layout suits the owners of the cottage, the method of decorating the space is also chosen. Here is an example of separating the dining area from the common space with the help of an interior partition in which a double-sided fireplace is located. This is a convenient way to create boundaries for those who need to ensure the privacy of the recreation area from the dining segment on the one hand, and at the same time organize the possibility of observing the fire in both functional segments.
In the dining room, located in a separate room, you can equip not only a comfortable place for meals, but also a room for receiving guests with dinner or a dinner party. A luxurious roomy table, comfortable chairs with backs or mini-armchairs, a rich chandelier with many decorative elements above the dining area, a carpet on the floor and blackout curtains on horsebacks – the atmosphere of a comfortable family nest has been achieved!
One of the obvious advantages of owning a cottage is the ability not to count every square meter when planning interior decoration. For such an important and multifunctional area as the kitchen, this advantage becomes a key factor in choosing the layout of the furniture ensemble and additions to it. In addition to the possibility of using a large number of storage systems, built-in appliances and work surfaces, owners of private houses have a much larger choice of colors. If it is better to perform a modest-sized kitchen in a light palette, then for the cooking segment in a large house, everything is limited only by your imagination and idea of beauty and functionality. The dark facades of kitchen cabinets look spectacular against the background of light finishes combined with the shine of stainless steel household appliances and chrome surfaces of fittings.
A snow-white kitchen will never go out of fashion, wherever it is – in a city apartment or a country house. The versatility of the light palette is that you can use white as the basis of the interior in almost any style of space design. As a result, you still get a light, almost weightless image of a room in which all family members will be comfortable.
Entrance hall, hall and corridors
The first room that greets everyone entering the cottage is the hallway. In many ways, the first impression of the home, its features and character is formed already in the first minutes spent in a spacious hall or a small hallway. If we talk about the possibilities of the original arrangement of hallways in standard apartments is not necessary (there, as a rule, it is even difficult for two people to disperse), then in a private house it is not easy to arrange an auxiliary room with a twist, but even necessary.