The reinforcing wall of the utilitarian structure became the main object for decorating the landscape. Models and materials depend on the engineering purpose, design imagination and thematic idea. If you have not yet designed the site, and have nothing against options in the Art Nouveau style or classical design, the information below will help you navigate in capital fortifications and decorative erections. The first – provide for the presence of a foundation; the second is made of stone on a small gravel cushion of 20 cm.

  1. beat the differences in the area;
  2. prevent soil slipping;
  3. divide the area into segmen or enclose the house with a decorative vertical;

The proximity of a natural reservoir or a deep ravine also forces us to turn to the construction of fortification facilities. When building a house, they are used on segments with a deep difference in relief. A relatively complicated area is leveled by a wall of small conglomerates, which helps to visually correct small hollows.

The line will serve as a border for mixborders or mark the monumentality of the hill. Textured boulders or a wall of stone flowerpots will beautifully decorate the territory. Wood, nutural or artificial stones, bricks, concrete blocks, geotextile and gabion nets will be the basis for such constructions.

Imagine how much energy is needed to level the area with ravines. You will have to bring soil, fill up the pits and “comb” the surface. The problem has another solution – a multifunctional alternative, which in the aggregate of actions gives a high coefficient of aesthetics and practicality. A vertical wall is allowed to connect the garden with the basement of the house, bring it to the rock garden or pond.

Due to the avoidance of solid lines in landscape design, they are broken by architectural elements – stairs, niches, benches or flower beds. Dotted transitions are also permissible to divide the territory into functional segments, and this technique significantly complicates the visual impression of panoramic compositions.

 Stone steps Retaining flower bedNeat lawnFigured terraces

Walls made of prosaic materials

Structures above 1 m require competence in the construction business. The mobility of the soil, its looseness, water flows, drainage system are taken into account. With this format, the reinforcing wall will be pressured by restrained soil and storm flows. High fence structures are rarely installed – exclusively for coastal strengthening of water bodies.

In other cases, adhere to an average value of 60 cm. Usually make several terraces, marked with piece structures – in the amount of 2 or 3. In most cases, the construction of a foundation is required. With loose soil, the base is made on piles, on clay – a surface concrete screed.

A rational way for the designated problem is considered to be a wooden fortification. But in the garden of a regular type, walls of logs are not erected. The tree is designed to decorate landscape scenes. In general, the structure is a structure with a vertical aspiration of logs with a circumference of 12 to 20 cm, standing in a dense line, and buried to a depth of half a meter. The height is set relative to the final goal.

Stone grandeurMulti-tiered design Original wallHarmony of wood and stone

  1. The lower part of the barrel, intended for concealment, must be treated with engine oil or covered with a film of hot bitumen.
  2. Based on the natural rise of water from the root upwards, the logs should be turned over, and the top should be made the base. According to the biological process, the liquid will not flow in the opposite direction and, as a result, moisture from the soil will not be absorbed. This technique will prevent decay.

In a similar version, the logs are mounted alternately with smaller diameter trunks in a horizontal position.

Concrete vertical

Concrete reinforcements can be monolithic and prefabricated. The first option is made in the form of a rectangular or trapezoidal geometry with an inclination of 10 degrees. Broken or stepped profiles and other model features are allowed. The second type is produced from reinforced concrete in separate slabs, and the designer is easy to fold into the wall Everything has long been said about the durability of concrete, in finished form it requires cladding.

  1. To get started, dig a trench 40 cm deep when calculating a meter height.
  2. Make a gravel and crushed stone backfill and a few cm, and lay reinforcement on top for reliability, interlocked with soft wire.
  3. Using boards tightly fixed with staples, perform the formwork. At the same time, supplement the structure with columns every meter, otherwise heavy concrete will break through the fence.
  4. It remains to pour the solution, and the base will be ready in 5 days. A decent look of a nondescript surface will be given by a variety of facing materials. Luxurious collections of paving slabs and imitation structures surprise with creativity.

The Technoblock system is a modern type of concrete. This is a novelty for the construction of monolithic structures. It differs from a concrete wall in the possibility of simultaneous construction and cladding. The material is reinforced concrete, and panels of different configurations are taken for formwork. The structure is designed to withstand a wall up to 5 m high.

Beautiful hillockMonolithic walls Powerful support


Brickwork is a prosaic way of erecting walls with an acceptable difference in width, a rich red color that naturally fits into any concept. It is half a brick at a meter height and twice as much in the case of a structure the size of a fence. The final stage involves varnishing for durability and brightness of color. Unlike the previous version, it requires a solid foundation, due to 4 factors:

  1. the height of the erected vertical (a base of 30 cm is required for 1 m.);
  2. soil relief (with loose soil – plus 10 cm);
  3. freezing depth (12 cm below the designated level);
  4. the width of the base, exceeding the thickness parameter by 30 cm.

A solution is poured into the trench, 5 cm does not reach the edges. In the presence of loose soil, formwork is pre-placed, and only then concrete is added. The foundation hardens for about a week before the brick is smeared on it.

Laying stone does not imply a foundation, and for a half-meter height, it is enough to adhere them with a lime composition for reliability. First, 2 cm of mortar is applied to the finished gravel filling, and the largest conglomerate is attached to the screed, which determines the width of the future wall. Then large formations are laid out along the border, and the middle is laid out with medium-sized cobblestones. After the first floor, another one is lined up – and so on to the desired height.

The laying scheme is similar to the brick one: the upper stone overlaps the seam of the connection of the previous row. In increments of 1 meter, large formations are used that play a binding role.

After the finishing events, the stones are washed with soap and a brush! Cleaning products change their natural color and make them faded.

Stone decoration A wonderful landscapeGreen PanoramaTerrain Difference Decoration

State-of-the-art solutions

Gabions. The problem is beautifully and elegantly solved with the help of a structure consisting of a metal mesh containing pebbles, cobblestones, etc. The rectangular or cylindrical shape of gabions quickly takes root as engineering buildings. This is a modern alternative to masonry on mortar, which compares favorably with the usual format. Over time, they turn into green blocks, and magnificently decorate the territory.

Installation is due to the installation of a frame made of thick metal mesh on a given line. Containers are tied with wire, and filled with stones in full.

Instead of a sand and gravel embankment inside, the gabion is often equipped with a compacted geotestile. Quite quickly, the gaps are clogged with soil, and this fact ensures the consolidation of the entire structure and its reliability.

Geotextile construction. The material is represented by a range of brands, and has high characteristics. Retaining structures are made both from the designated material and from its modified version – reinforced geogrid, and provide for the combination of types. All versions withstand the load of precipitation, and are adapted to temperature fluctuations. The geotenic material is made of sheet strips up to 200 mm, connected by a seam to each other, and forming a cellular lattice. Its dimensions are determined by digital load indicators, and depend on the structural features of the aggregate.

GabionsGabion fortificationFigured wall

Ideas for cladding

The type of wall will depend on the choice of facing material, its compatibility with the stylistic idea, and corrective nuances. The collection of finishing versions is represented by a variety of types: pebbles, plaster, natural stones.

The lining of the reinforcing vertical is carried out on the tile mortar by gluing individual elements. It is convenient to work with geometric shapes, but what if it is a curly breccia or asymmetrical shapes of non-standard textures? The stone lends itself to a grinder, so it is easy to adjust the plate to the already glued fragment. It is pleasant to deal with the structure of sandstones, and they look natural in compositions and are always relevant for design. The finished wall should be varnished.

If you make a wall, the façade of the house in the same style, and duplicate the stone in the composition of sidewalk paths, we can talk about the classics of the landscape genre. Part of the garden, immersed in plants, is proposed to decorate with a wooden fortification. For example, a plastered house with columns, a grand staircase, balustrades against the background of a garden with a white rotunda of stone walls, is decorated with flowerpots or sculptures, and looks majestic.

 Natural stones

  1. combine in decorating several types of stones that are identical in parameters, and lay out the vertical in stripes, which for brightness can be slightly tinted in “vegetable” colors;
  2. pave the segments of the strengthening base with boulders – arrange them in the form of columns;
  3. organize a retaining structure in the form of an alpine slide, reproduced from sandstones, breaking flowers in the voids between them or planting dwarf shrubs that can take root in a modest area.

In such “pockets” loosestrife, grass, budra will take root and vines will elegantly hang down. If you place the loaches lower, the plants will beautifully intertwine and create a plant composition. A great way out is decorative mosses. A little trick: so that they grow faster – smear the boulders with a fermented milk product, and a touch of “deep antiquity” will soon be provided.

The above information is a brief overview of the technologies for the construction of retaining fortifications. The construction industry is much more widely represented by interesting cladding options, which allows you to create unique landscapes.

Summer storyNatural beauty28Creative flower bed