A country house with a private yard is good. Especially if the design of the yard is carefully thought out and equipped taking into account the interests of all family members, including the youngest. Since the remoteness from city life deprives them of the most basic children’s joys, such as riding slides and swings, as well as their favorite fuss in the sandbox, caring parents usually arrange a playground right on the territory of a private courtyard so that the child can enjoy life at least from morning to evening.

Colorful playground of several modificationsOriginal installation of children's structures around treesUnusual children's house-hangarОригинальный детский корабль из дереваДизайн детской площадки на территории просторного двораДетская площадка во дворе загородного дома

Что разместить на детской площадке?

Здесь все зависит от возраста ваших детей. Если в семье имеются дошкольники, то организация песочницы просто необходима. А приобрести ее можно в любом гипермаркете, где продаются строительные материалы, а также игрушки. При желании можно сделать и своими силами. Обычно песочница бывает или деревянной, или пластиковой. По форме тоже может быть как квадратной, так и круглой.

Attractive round plastic sandbox for toddler

It is desirable that it be with a lid, which is usually closed at night or during the period of absence. This is necessary so that stray cats or dogs do not decide to visit this place. Among other things, there is a chance that a child will get an infection through contact with contaminated sand.

You just can’t do without a swing, because they are a true children’s pleasure. What can I say, and an adult too. The range of garden swings, suitable for both children and adults, today is simply huge. But if we talk only about children, then for operational safety it is recommended to buy a swing made of plastic. It is also possible with rope elements, but not with metal holders. If the swing is designed for babies, in this case they should have seat belts, as well as backrests that provide a stable seat. By the way, the swing can still be free to oscillate. They are like ordinary ones, but the seat can swing in different directions. As a rule, such swings come in sets. And yet – it should be remembered that the swing should not have different notches, as well as cracks where a part of the child’s body or clothes can get stuck.

Swings are a real treat for your childrenSwings are an essential attribute of the playground for children of any ageYou can't go anywhere without a swing, even if the house is in a couple of citiesThe placement of a children’s house is also desirable, because it is, in fact, the dream of every baby. It is here that they play daughters and mothers, hide from each other, and also trust the most intimate secrets. The houses are sold wooden and plastic. Also available for sale combined with complexes, for example, with slides and horizontal bars.

Cozy children's house complete with swings and slidesWooden children's house on the territory of the playgroundEquipment of the climbing plane with protrusions or slots will allow you to develop dexterity and dexterity. The trampoline is also a very favorite subject for children, and of all ages. So beloved that sometimes they can frolic on it for several hours in a row. An inflatable trampoline is a great option for such cases, especially since it can be brought into the house for the winter and used indoors.
It’s a good idea to equip the playground with combined sets for games. Better yet, combine several modifications at once, especially since very often they are interchangeable.

Wooden playground of several modificationsWooden structure of several modificationsIt would be nice to decorate the playing area with some funny figures made of unbreakable material, ideally made of wood, which, if anything, can easily withstand the impact of the ball.
Do not forget to place a children’s bench so that the child has a place to take a breath after active games, and look after the children themselves.

Children's bench, as well as comfortable chairs for adults

Advantages and location of the playground on the territory of a private courtyard

First of all, the main advantage of such a platform is the safety of the child. Games on the territory of your home are less susceptible to danger than on the playgrounds of busy city streets, especially in drive-yards near high-rise buildings. However, it is impossible to relax and lose control in any case, because danger can lie in wait for the baby at any time and in any place. First, it is not advisable to leave the child alone unattended. The swing can fly quite high, and the slides are high, and if there are still reservoirs or elements of unfinished construction in the yard, then all this poses a great threat to the safety of the baby.

The choice of location should come primarily from safety, not from aesthetic considerations. The most expedient would be to place the playground in sight, in a place clearly visible from all sides, located away from the gate leading to the street, especially if it is a busy highway.

Convenient location of the playground right in front of the windows of the houseThe playground is located in a clearly visible place right in front of the house

Even the smallest bodies of water, if any, should be covered with lids that are locked or drained. Also, near the playground should not be lit a fire for cooking on the grill, there should be no garages, garbage cans, water and sewer manholes, drainage wells, electrical panels, pits, etc. It makes sense to fence off the playground with a hedge, but not from thorny plants such as wild rose, hawthorn and barberry.

Ideally, the playground should be spacious, however, not everyone can afford it because of the small area of the infield. In this case, it is not recommended to pile up the play area with all sorts of extra landings. A beautiful appearance can be obtained with the help of free-standing plants, for example, tapeworms, giving them an interesting shape with a haircut.

Safety engineering

The equipment on the territory of the private courtyard of the playground is quite serious, because it is not just a convenient and beautiful place for entertainment, but also a safe place, especially for too inquisitive and mobile children. The purchased equipment must have appropriate certificates, as well as permits that allow the use of children.

Among other things, it is extremely important that the complexes for games do not have sharp corners, and all kinds of ropes, nets and ropes do not carry the danger of entanglement in them. The floor covering of the site should also be made of soft material, preferably rubberized foam type (artificial turf) in order to avoid possible injuries in the fall. In addition, they can be multi-colored, which allows you to lay out any pattern and assemble a mosaic. This will create the atmosphere of a fairy tale and will be very much to the taste of children. Or make an ordinary natural lawn – this option is quite beautiful in appearance, as well as environmentally friendly and the cheapest. In addition, a spectacular lawn will be in place for any estate, because it will represent a link between the sites of any purpose, whether it is a children’s area, or a recreation area with a common landscape. It is also often used to cover the floor of the playground crushed stone chips or coarse river sand (mountain is not suitable).

Soft coating of the playground with crushed stone chipsCrushed stone crumbs as a floor covering for children's playgroundsNatural lawn - beautiful, environmentally friendly and safe for the playground