The option of finishing the doorway between the kitchen and other rooms with the help of an arch has recently become an increasingly popular phenomenon. Such a solution always looks stylish, beautiful and acceptable for use in many style solutions. The arch in the doorway allows you to visually increase the area of the room, and also adds light and air to the room. About what forms of arched structures are offered today on the modern market and what should be paid attention to by those who decide to use such a design device in the arrangement of the kitchen, read further in our material.

Arch to the kitchen – features

Like any other design structure, the arch installed in the doorway of the kitchen has its own characteristics, which should be taken into account at the very beginning of interior planning. As practice shows, in most examples, the arch is installed in cases where the owners of the premises have a desire to combine rooms with each other, for example, a kitchen and a living room or a kitchen and a corridor, and there is no possibility to completely demolish the entire wall acting as an interfering partition. Also, such a solution will be a great idea for arranging small kitchens, where the presence of a door will only aggravate the situation and take away “precious” centimeters. In addition, the installation of an arched structure, as a rule, is significantly inferior in price to a similar procedure with doors.

The arch does not need to use fittings and can have any design. The main thing is to choose a product that will match the overall style of the interior, and in this case, there are no differences between ready-made arches purchased in a store or designs created with your own hands.

And the most interesting thing is that the arch installed between the kitchen and other rooms saves space significantly, but requires the mandatory installation of a powerful hood and constant ventilation. Otherwise, all odors emanating from the hob or from the oven will automatically spread to the rooms adjacent to the kitchen.

Types of arches

The next important step in installing the arch in the kitchen is the choice of the shape of the structure, since its appearance can not only increase the area of the room, but also reduce it. As a result, you will have to resort to a complete redevelopment, which is fraught not only with disappointment, but also with additional repair work with certain financial investments.

Semicircular arch

Due to the smooth rounding in the upper part, such an arch is called semicircular or classic and is considered the most common design solution. It is ideal for arranging the interior of small rooms and in most cases is used to combine the kitchen with the corridor. Larger semicircular arches are usually used when combining the kitchen with the living room, which is especially important for arranging the interior of studio apartments.

English Arch

The main feature of this design is the presence of sharp corners at both ends of the base of the arc. These types of arches are usually used to decorate wide openings. Such a slightly “irregular” shape is perfect for rooms with a large square and often serves as an additional decorative decoration.

Rectangular arch

The name of this design is fully consistent with its appearance and allows you to install the arch in place of the door without additional installation. Such variants of arched openings are perfect for arranging a kitchen in “Khrushchev”, look great on any quadrature and do not weigh down the room. Rectangular arches with rounded corners have the original name – the portal, and are also suitable for any size kitchen.

Trapezoidal arch

As for the arched openings, the upper part of which resembles the shape of the geometric figure of the same name – a trapezoid, these structures need space. Small rooms with such a doorway finish will seem narrower than they really are.

Арка в форме полуэллипса

Дизайнерское предложение такого плана станет идеальным решением для желающих разместить на кухне небольшую арку. Такие конструкции, не смотря на миниатюрные размеры и компактность, визуально расширяют помещение и делают шире дверной проём.

Arabian Arch

An arch made in this style is characterized by the presence of original roundings in the upper part, so the design of such a plan will be an excellent solution for arranging the interior of the kitchen in the oriental or Indian style. Such arches have many variations of design and may additionally contain various decorative elements.

Asymmetrical arches for the kitchen

Despite the fact that designers offer many ideas for creating arched openings, such a phenomenon as an asymmetrical arch, with an original design that is not similar to any other option, is found in the interior quite often. And in this case, experts recommend carefully studying all the nuances and starting from the general style of design. There is no middle ground and no specific rules in this case. Therefore, when starting the planning of such a structure, it is preferable to consider several project proposals, because the abundance of convex elements or sharp corners in some cases looks beautiful and appropriate, while in others, on the contrary, it is ridiculous and repulsive.

Design of the arch between the kitchen and other rooms

When all questions regarding the shape and size of the arched openings between the kitchen and other rooms have been considered, it is time to decide on the design of the structure and choose the material that will be used for decoration.

Decorative plaster

The use of decorative plaster in the decoration of the arched opening can be called the most budgetary and common option. At the same time, the technique of applying plaster to the surface of the walls is so simple that you can completely cope with it yourself. With the help of plaster, you can imitate any surface and, if necessary, change its color. In addition, in this type of finish, you can simply mount the backlight, which is very convenient when lighting the transitions between rooms.


An equally common solution for finishing arches can be called the use of natural stone, and in this case you cannot do without the help of an experienced craftsman. The design, trimmed with stone, always looks presentable and durable. The price of the material in this example fully justifies itself.


An equally original proposal is the decoration of the arch with bricks. Such a proposal will bring notes of brutality to the interior and allows you to dilute the interior design with a spectacular and unusual contrast.


If you have already encountered the laying of tiles, then the idea of finishing the arched structure with a mosaic will not cause you difficulties, especially if the mosaic resembles a brick in shape. The main thing is to pre-prepare the surface and get rid of all irregularities.


Finishing the arch with wood will look spectacular and elegant at the same time, because the nobility of this type of material is automatically transferred to the overall design style. Such arches are considered a manifestation of style and good taste, but require the help of a specialist, because the process of making curved parts for the opening requires certain skills and abilities.

Gypsum board

Drywall fits perfectly on the surface of any shape, so when using such material for finishing an arched opening, there should be no problems. Moreover, minor flaws and shortcomings are perfectly hidden behind the finish.

Polyurethane finish

Arched structures made of polyurethane are sold in stores in a fairly large assortment, so you just have to choose the option that suits the configuration of your opening. The assembly of such finishing elements does not need the help of a highly qualified craftsman. The only disadvantage of polyurethane products is excessive fragility.

Installing an arch between the kitchen and other rooms is not only a beautiful idea, but also a great opportunity to show your design skills and create a one-of-a-kind interior. The main thing is to adhere to a single style in the design and not to overdo it with decorative additions.