n recent years, designers have sought to make the living space as comfortable, practical and functional as possible. This is facilitated by novelties in the furniture industry, and technological progress. At the same time, the interior must be adapted to a specific style so that harmony reigns in the room. It is especially important to follow all these rules in the bedroom, where you have to relax your body and soul. Based on this, the designers have proposed several non-standard solutions for the bedrooms of 2023, which we will consider below.

Bedroom in the bathroom

Fashion trends are aimed at spaciousness and free planning. Therefore, the rooms are often combined with each other. But if everyone is already accustomed to the combined kitchen and living room, then the new idea proposes to combine the bedroom with the bathroom. At first glance, this layout is impractical due to the high humidity in the bathroom. However, with proper ventilation and zoning through partitions, arches and niches, it will be possible to minimize this single drawback.

With such a design, designers tend to stylize the bedroom under the interior of “spas”. In the room there is a place for bath accessories and pastel linen. After all, most often these accessories are somehow stored in one place. A bath before going to bed will promote sound sleep and complete relaxation. In addition, such an interior looks more than creative, so for creative individuals, the idea is a great way to show their imagination

Sofa-window sill

For those who do not like to disturb the smoothness of the bedspreads on the bed during the day, they will like the idea of a sofa on the windowsill. This place will help you retire and relax away from other abodes of the apartment.

Next to the soft window sill, it is worth installing a rack with books or a desk, if the room is equipped with a workplace. The sofa in this case is decorated with pillows and a soft blanket.

Panel walls

Architectural elements will also add originality to the room. Similar to the bathroom in the walls of the bedroom, the panels are borrowed from the rooms of boutique hotels.

For registration can be used:

  • interior tiles;
  • rack beams;
  • flat panels.

They can be painted with colored paints or have a monochromatic coating. The main thing is to preserve the volumetric effect. It will look most attractive at the head of the bed or on another accent wall. The décor is permissible to do with your own hands, which will make the interior more personal.

Classic whiteness

The use of classic white in the bedroom creates a familiar traditional atmosphere in which you can feel much more comfortable than among the “flashy” creativity. White color fits all styles and layouts. However, it is permissible to highlight surfaces with the help of different textures: molding on the ceiling, panels on the walls, embossed plaster and long-haired carpets. Such an interior will not look boring even in a monochromatic color.

Natural materials

The boom in artificial novelties has long passed, people have become aware of the benefits of natural materials, as well as the impact of artificial ones on the environment. Therefore, all trendy styles are focused on natural raw materials: wood, stone, paper and natural fabrics. Sleep among natural materials will be much stronger and healthier.

Moreover, the trend applies not only to furniture or pastel linen, but also to a mattress, for example. Natural fillers include coconut flakes and latex. Although the latter is only partially natural. One way or another, before buying accessories for the bedroom, you should carefully study the composition and its “pitfalls”.

Delicate lavender

After Brighette Romanek, Tom Dixon and Robert Stylen expressed their preference for lavender in the bedroom, the shade became very popular. In addition, users were able to feel for themselves that lavender soothes, makes the room gentle and pleasant to relax.


It took a very long time to get rid of carpets in the interior, but then it turned out that they are the best way to provide comfort and a sense of security, which are important for the bedroom. For the floor of the negotiated room, it is worth choosing carpets with a pile of golden or green colors. As if there is no wicker coating under your feet, but on real soft grass or warm sand.

Shutters on the windows

The shutters on the windows themselves are an unusual bedroom décor. But the designers went further and offered to paint them in bright colors. Wooden shutters go well with natural materials. In addition, they perfectly protect from sunlight in the morning, so they are the optimal décor for south-facing bedrooms. Such a detail in the bedroom will become a unique accent, which is combined with potted plants and sofas on window sills.

Modular furniture

In addition, for the bedroom, as well as for other rooms, it is worth using modular furniture, the sections of which can be changed at your own discretion. Its convenience also lies in the fact that you can buy additional sections as needed.

Актуальным решением также является встроенная мебель: кровати в нишах, ящички в стенах. Так атмосфера комнаты получается единой и в ней легко сделать акценты на декоре, а не на мебельной обстановке.

Lighting above the bed

It is recommended to use several types of lighting in the bedroom. It can be a floor lamp by the bed, dressing table lighting and lamps above the bed. They hang on long wires and are arranged in a symmetrical way in the case of a double bed.

Also, with the help of lighting this season, it is recommended to perform zoning. In the bedroom, with the help of ceiling or floor appliances, you can highlight the dressing room, the bed area or separate the above-mentioned bath from the resting areas.

One way or another, the design of the bedroom should be adapted to one of the trendy styles. This year, they included Scandinavian, minimalist, neoclassical, Mediterranean, industrial, and loft styles. In addition, designers recommend using eclecticism in interiors, combining accents from different designs. Therefore, the bedroom can be organized according to your own taste and convenience so that it becomes the main “attraction” of an apartment or house.