If there is an effective way to add style and warmth to spaces, it is through the incorporation of intense colors, since they inject a high dose of energy to the environments. That is why today we wanted to present you through this article, several effective ways to give your home an interesting touch with bright colors.

For this purpose, colors such as yellow, orange, green, red and turquoise are effective even in small details, since they have an important presence.

Bold colors


All these colors are fashionable, so by incorporating them we will be giving our homes a current and modern look.

Bold colors in details and accessories

We can freely choose between taking them in a total way to our spaces, combined or simply through small details such as tapestries, cushions, rugs, lamps or endless details. It is about decorating most of the space with neutral colors, such as white, gray or cream, and adding color to the accessories. This formula never fails.


Here the red color is applied to the carpet, cushions and ornaments on the table.

Touches of intense yellow in a carpet, armchair, cushions and lamp.

Emerald green on curtains and wall above the fireplace.

Striking colors on large surfaces

If you prefer to wear them in a more playful and risky way, you can perfectly incorporate the color or colors that you like the most on the walls, ceilings, floors or through the furniture. The same rule as we mentioned above should apply, but in reverse. If the wall is painted a striking color, the rest of the decoration should be kept in neutral colors such as white, gray or cream.

The yellow color is one of the favorites in decoration, since it brings a lot of energy and light. Very optimistic environments are achieved.

The light blue color is ideal for a bedroom because it brings peace.

A dining room can take advantage of the warmth of orange.

The bathroom in green color achieves peace and balance, a place of relaxation.

Neon colors in decoration

Neon colors were long closely associated with nightclub décor, but in recent years more than ever they have a strong presence in modern décor. The most prestigious decoration houses have found an effective way to apply these tones in a unique, artistic and harmonious way, to such an extent that they became a trend.

In many cases, the incorporation of neon colors is the best way to give another dimension to the spaces and a touch of unparalleled personality, which allows you to escape a little from the conventional decoration. It is also committed to a much more lively and exciting style, capable of pleasing the eyes of any visitor as long as they have been incorporated sensibly.

Estos colores nos permiten disfrutar de espacios más luminosos. Dentro de los colores neón que son tendencia, algunas de las mejores opciones para agregarle luz a nuestros interiores son el amarillo, el rosa, el turquesa y el verde en sus versiones más flúor.

And best of all, they are effective even in their most minimal incorporation, since thanks to the great presence they mark, even if they are incorporated in small details, they have the gift of imposing presence and illuminating even the most secluded corner.

Although if you want a decoration with more personality, you can apply them more homogeneously, taking them to walls, floor or even furniture.

Do not miss: Pink color and its shades in decoration

Decorate the living room with bright colors

The decoration of spaces by means of bright colors has more and more followers, since it has the property of transmitting a lot of energy and warmth to the spaces, thus providing us with rooms that transmit a lot of vitality.

Implementing this type of colors in our classrooms can be a simple way to pamper ourselves, since we all enjoy being able to get to a place like this after the long days of study or work.

For example, in the image below, orange and yellow give life to the armchairs, and the wall in front, some ornaments in green, yellow and red complement the environment where neutral colors predominate.

A carpet with details in fluorine colors, in a space where neutral colors predominate, is an excellent option.

In this case, the pattern of the cushions and the picture on the armchair, provide these vibrant colors.

It is one of the simplest decoration trends to achieve, good taste and creativity being enough for success, since the ways to give color to our rooms are really endless. It is enough to implement elements such as carpets, cushions, curtains and tapestries in our favorite colors and prints that adapt to our taste and personal style.

In addition, you can choose these vibrant colors also to paint floors, ceilings, walls and furniture, if what we want is an entirely colorful environment.

Bedroom decoration with bright colors

Best of all, you can get this type of decoration by incorporating infinite decorative elements, the limit of the possibilities being simply in the creativity of each one. The possibilities of transmitting color to the bedrooms are really endless.

In the bedrooms the same rule that we mentioned above applies, small colorful details can be incorporated through decorative accessories, or those who prefer a more complex style in their spaces, can choose to paint walls, ceilings or floors.

You can also incorporate attractively colored furniture or bold patterns, which is ideal, since graphic designs have gained an important ground in modern decoration.

It is a good idea to incorporate it through elements that have presence but that in turn are not of a large volume, as is the case of a bedside table, a nice vase, a stool, a work of art, an armchair.