Specifically those of rocks have a very simple way of being done. The first thing is to delimit the space it will cover; Square spaces are used a lot, but it can have other forms.

Zen Garden


It is delimited with larger rocks, although bamboo could also be used, remember that you can always be creative remembering certain basic parameters. Within the delimited space, there is a first layer of sand or gravel, which is raked giving it shapes to taste, as in the image. In between, rocks are placed decorating the garden. Many Buddhists change the shape of it daily, it is not necessary to keep it intact.

What is the meaning or purpose of a ZEN garden?


Zen gardens aim at meditation and reflection, and depending on the design of the same, it can bring to mind landscapes of the most diverse and relaxing such as mountains, rivers or islands in the sea. It can be created on a portion of the office desk, up to the entire yard of the house.


Yin Yan

The Japanese garden handles the elements of Yin and Yan, seeks balance in its structure. The object of it is to look like a virgin land, which awakens a reflection in the visitor, each rock is located in a position for a special reason and not by simple chance; It all depends on what the objective of who created it for those who visit it is.

Transporting the mind

You probably never thought about it, but when you see a bonsai, do not you imagine the tree in large proportions?, well, here it is the same, suddenly a large and dark rock simulates a small island lost in the sea of small smaller boulders, of light tones and with a slight layer of mosses, which generates the same reaction in you as bonsai. If that happens to you, the rock garden fulfilled its goal and managed to move it to you momentarily in your thoughts.

How to make a ZEN garden step by step

Evaluate available space

Decide how big you want the garden to be. Evaluate the available space. Are you going to make a garden that takes up a part of your yard, the entire yard, or do you want a Zen garden for your desk? The steps are the same, only the scale will be different.

Delimit the space

You must delimit the space to be used. You can delimit this space using garden soil, or you can also create a mold to contain the sand and/or gravel. Sand and gravel usually form the matrix of a Zen garden, and they need a matrix that holds these materials firm. If you plan to make a large garden, consider using large planks. If it is a desk garden, a few small boards will suffice.

Putting together the frame

If you use boards or planks, assemble “the frame” with nails, screws and glue. You can decorate the wood, painting, staining or varnishing it.

Cover the base

Place at the base an anti-weed floor cover, such as black plastic. Zen gardens should be totally clean, free of weeds. If you build it in outer space, weeds will grow among the gravel, which will take away the beauty of your garden.

Place sand or gravel

Above the ground cover, place the sand or gravel evenly and as level as possible. If it is a desk garden, with sand will be enough, if it is an outdoor garden, use gravel or small boulders.

Create landscape

Once the foundation of the garden is made, you need to create a stimulating landscape. Consider using old mossy logs, rocks with interesting colors, shapes, or textures, or other objects. Place them off-center and partially submerged for best effect. Zen gardens usually include natural elements of wood, rock, and vegetation, but don’t be afraid to add statues or other objects. Just keep in mind a golden rule: it should be tidy, peaceful and simple, so it is advisable that you design the garden in an emotional and mental state of total tranquility and harmony.


Rake sand or gravel in long, curved motions to represent waves of water. The good thing about this is that you can change it as many times as you want!
