Once a staple in every home, but forgotten in favor of oversized refrigerators and built-in kitchen furniture,  are once again a coveted item. Today, pantries can come in all shapes and sizes, from discreet freestanding units to rooms complete with floor-to-ceiling shelves. Depending on the space you have, pantries can be an incredibly practical solution for storing dry foods, vegetables, and small appliances like coffee makers, microwaves, and toasters.

One of the functionalities of a pantry is that its storage capacity can free up space in the rest of the kitchen to add more decorative touches such as paintings or wall lights, which in turn makes it seem less functional and more homely. According to Al Bruce, founder . “Whether you have a cottage-style kitchen or an ultra-modern space, adding a pantry is also a great way to create a more homey atmosphere that enhances the ambiance you already have.

If you have a a small kitchen perfectly used but you do not have enough space to have an independent pantry, do not worry, here we are going to give you ideas on how to create a pantry space in the kitchen itself so that you can have the whole kitchen more orderly and that it is a more functional space. Keep reading to know 6 ideas so you can have a pantry and be able to store and order not only food, but also small appliances and kitchen utensils.

1 Pantry furniture in the kitchen

Pantry furniture in the kitchen

Place a piece of furniture in the kitchen to assemble a functional pantry. Keep the colors and finishes of the rest of kitchen furniture, like these elegant examples. “Built-in pantries have spectacular quality in their own right,” says Al. “Turn yours into a subtle centerpiece, just add a bold splash of color and some highlight details. For example, chrome or brass handles on the outside and a color on the inside, especially one that celebrates the special items you’ve stored.”

2 shelves as a pantry

Pantry on shelves in the kitchen

A freestanding pantry is the dream of the most cooks, or for those who want to keep the kitchen totally tidy, and a well-executed design is absolutely essential to make the most of your space. Elevate the pantry beyond the simple storage you have in kitchen furniture. Install shelves along the walls on countertops and work surfaces, where you can have ordered food, preserves, species and even utensils.

“Every kitchen should be designed with personality and functionality in mind, and a carefully planned pantry offers exactly that,” says Al. “From creating a dedicated hot drink station with everything needed to prepare and serve the perfect infusion, to expanding the kitchen countertops inside to have a specially designed workstation, Complete with microwave and coffee maker, your pantry can be converted into a clutter-free area to meet your daily needs.”

3 The right light for the pantry area

Pantry in a corner

If you remember the pantries of yesteryear, they were often dark, dingy spaces without much design or style. Today, there are many reasons to highlight the pantries and accessories organized inside. Dedicate a corner of the kitchen to create the pantry area and give it the correct lighting with sconces and led strips for the shelves or interior of the cabinet. If your pantry integrated into the kitchen has a glass front, such as this simple traditional English design, illuminates its contents with a low hanging lamp, or in more modern spaces, opt for lighting with LED strips located under your shelves.

LED strip under cabinets

4 Creative storage in the kitchen

Pantry furniture in the kitchen

The best pantries are those that have good space and depth to accommodate and store all kinds of food and accessories. Fold-out shelving, rows of door-mounted shelves, and space for wooden fruit boxes, or wicker baskets, can help keep the pantry corner in your kitchen fully organized.

“Get creative with your storage options and use every inch of your kitchen to maximize the functionality of your space. From shelves of different heights to storage baskets on rails, install shelves for spices inside the doors of kitchen cabinets to gain more space for spices, or for the most used appliances. Custom mini pantries that allow you to design a functional and tidy kitchen.”

Keep the style of your kitchen

Furniture in the kitchen as a pantry

The best thing about having a pantry in the kitchen is that you don’t have to think about the design. An unused space can be adapted for a custom pantry, such as these examples, or use a smart pantry furniture in a forgotten corner.

If you have a compact kitchen, Al advises building upwards. “No matter how small your kitchen is, there are always ways to set up a pantry area: just think vertically. By creating a narrow floor-to-ceiling pantry and then adding generously spaced vertical shelves, you can maximize storage space. Jars, bottles, bread machines, vases, cereal boxes: whatever it is, you will have plenty of storage space, and without taking up too much space in the kitchen.”

Organize, organize, organize

kitchens with pantry cabinet

The pantry is the only place in your kitchen that should have Marie Kondo’s organizational standards. “The key to having a functional pantry is to optimize your storage space while creating a sense of luxury both when you open the doors and when you want to find something,” says Al. “It’s about creating a scene that’s aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate, so we always recommend open shelves and dim lighting. After that, spend time choosing storage containers and jars that coordinate with the rest of the kitchen to complete the look.”