If you are planning to build your baby’s bedroom, here you will find a lot of ideas and tips to design and decorate baby rooms, so that in addition to looking beautiful, they are practical and comfortable, both for the little one and for the parents.


It does not take a lot of money, with a little ingenuity and good taste, you can achieve a pleasant and functional space, so that small can grow in a stimulating room.

Baby rooms




Remember that safety is the most important thing when decorating a baby bedroom. Make sure all furniture is securely secured, avoid small decorative items that can be dangerous, and keep electrical cords out of the baby’s reach. Enjoy the process of creating a beautiful and welcoming space for your little one!



Murals or decorative vinyls

Consider painting a mural or using wall stickers to add a playful and themed touch to the bedroom. You can choose themes such as animals, nature, starry sky or characters from children’s stories.




Functional and safe furniture

Choose furniture that is safe and functional for the baby. A sturdy and comfortable cot, chest of drawers with built-in changing table and shelves for storage are essentials. Look for furniture with rounded corners and non-toxic finishes.

Soft and cozy textiles

Use soft, cozy textiles for the baby’s crib and sleeping area. Add an organic cotton quilt or blanket, decorative cushions and light curtains that let in natural light but can also darken the room for naps.

Organized storage

Use practical and organized storage solutions to keep baby’s toys, diapers, and other items tidy. Boxes, baskets and open shelves are excellent options to keep everything at your fingertips.

Comfortable breastfeeding space

If you plan to breastfeed, create a cozy and comfortable corner with a rocking chair or soft armchair, a side table for placing necessary items and a reading lamp.

Comfort at the time of change

Make sure everything is within walking distance of the changing table. Diapers, wipes, bucket for dirty diapers, hygiene products, bibs, pacifiers, clothes, and everything you consider necessary should be at hand.

Remember that the baby can not be left for a second without attention, since there is always the risk of falling, especially when he begins to move and roll.

Maintaining order

Keep in mind that you will be going to the nursery in the middle of the night. Any object in the path can cause you to fall or trip.

A carpet, a toy, a book, any element can be dangerous. That is why it is important to have good storage spaces, so that everything is in order and stored every time it is finished using.

Washable wallpaper

An easy solution to keep the walls in good aesthetic and hygienic condition is to use washable wallpaper.

You can consider the possibility of wallpapering only the wall most exposed to possible dirt.


Install a dimly lit, dimmable bedside lamp near the crib to make nighttime tasks easier without disturbing your baby’s sleep too much. You can also add soft lights in the form of garlands or light projectors with relaxing motifs. Make sure the lighting in your baby’s bedroom allows you to simulate the time of night.

A heavy curtain that provides enough darkness will be essential, so that the baby can sleep peacefully all his naps.

Bright light means it’s time of day to stay up and have fun, so your baby may not fall asleep, even if he’s in a very bad mood.

To get your eyes to close, the penumbra is the most suitable. It is also important to install a dim and soft night light.

Thematic details

A very simple way to find inspiration is to choose a theme. For example, animals, trips, personal from a children’s book, trees, etc. This will give cohesion to the decoration and harmony.

Based on this you can choose the colors of the walls, paintings, bedspreads, cushions and other decorative elements that make up a bedroom.

The wisest thing is not to surround the child with gender stereotypes. The time has passed when if it was a girl pink was used, and a boy, light blue. There are many colors perfect for both genders and fun and didactic toys for both.

Girls don’t need to be surrounded by princess elements, just as boys don’t need to be surrounded by soccer or basketballs. Let them choose what they like as they grow.

Si deseas un dormitorio temático, agrega detalles sutiles que reflejen el tema elegido. Por ejemplo, si el tema es el espacio, puedes colocar cojines con estampados de estrellas, un móvil con planetas suspendidos sobre la cuna o una alfombra con forma de cohete.

Soft and relaxing colors

Opt for a palette of soft, soothing colors, such as pastel or neutral tones. Colors such as light blue, soft pink, gray or beige can create a calm and peaceful environment for the baby.

Remember that the baby will spend many hours looking at those walls, so a nice color and interesting decoration will be perfect to stimulate their senses.

It is recommended to use pastel colors on the walls, so that the baby stays calm, but remember to add touches of intense color in the decorative elements, to stimulate their senses.