Your garden looks beautiful during the day. Making it look just as beautiful at night is possible, with proper lighting. We must consider that light conditions the way we see and feel, therefore it is an important tool that we must consider.

It is essential to strive to illuminate outdoor spaces as we do with interiors, and so they can be enjoyed not only day but also night.

Lighting in the garden


Gardens are an increasingly important space within a home. In its design, sculptures, paths, fountains, terraces to eat are usually used, so its lighting must be carefully planned, in order to create a functional, comfortable and at the same time beautiful space.

Divide lighting into multiple zones


  • Work area: either for reading, barbecues, and other activities that we do in this space at night.
  • Accentuated areas: either to highlight objects, sculptures, steps.
  • Decorative zone: an interest is created in a space by illuminating, for example illuminating a wall or the profile of a tree.
  • General lighting: provides light to a certain area, such as the garage entrance or a tennis court.


Many outdoor lighting techniques come from the theater, which seeks to create a special atmosphere. Unlike indoor lighting, in a garden you can decide what will be illuminated and can be seen, and what other areas of it will remain dark. Therefore, by means of light interesting shapes can be created. This also allows the terrain to look completely different at night than it does during the day.

La colocación de un foco alto puede ser una excelente manera de iluminar una terraza o un camino. Sin embargo, se aconseja que la luz se apunte hacia abajo, o sea, que la luz no se expanda demasiado lejos de la superficie a iluminar. De lo contrario, lo que debería ser un efecto de iluminación sutil se sentirá como una luz de seguridad.

Unless you use solar lights, lighting fixtures need an electrical board, so think about where you can hide them in waterproof boxes. Sometimes there won’t be a shed or an outdoor room where you can install these boxes, so think about hiding them in bushes or behind hedges.

The color temperature of all LED light sources must match. Warm white can vary between different manufacturers, so check the given number. While about 2800k provides a perfect warm light for the interior of a house, it is recommended a little cooler in the garden: 3000k produces a sharp effect and highlights the color of the foliage.

Siempre es una buena idea ocultar los cables eléctricos dentro de tubos reforzados con malla. Protege daños accidentales al excavar o de animales.

All electrical connections must be completely waterproof. If you are going to spend money on a good quality external light installation, prevent moisture from entering and damaging the connections.

If you’re placing a light on the ground, make sure there’s enough drainage so water doesn’t pool on it.

If you are going to illuminate steps or steps on a path, illuminate each and every one with a dim light, so as not to dazzle and confuse the walker.



Lámparas indirectas

Estas luces iluminan indirectamente. O sea, pueden iluminar un árbol, una planta, un muro, el suelo, el césped, y su luz de rebote ilumina el resto del espacio difusamente.

Turn signals

They focus on an object. This option is used to highlight a statue or plant.


LED lights are very popular nowadays. They provide energy savings and come in different colors. Some models even have a remote control to choose the color of the lighting. It is also very popular for use in pots. You can also find many solar options, which means a very important saving in electricity consumption and savings in the installation of cables.