Using compositions created with the help of indoor plants, in compliance with the rules and requirements of phytodesign, you can give the interior a new life filled with cleanliness, freshness and comfort. Indoor plants in the interior help to focus on the strengths of the situation, mask the shortcomings of the space, fill it with every centimeter of soulfulness and beauty. Thus, phytodesign not only improves the microclimate of the premises, but also makes it possible to radically transform any home without serious financial investments.

Interior decoration with indoor plants

If you choose the right flowers and plants and correctly arrange them in the room, you can make your interior sparkle with new colors. Here are some examples of how you can effectively use indoor plants at home:

  • Vertical landscaping can divide a large room into two different functional areas
  • The presence of green decorating elements will help create an elegant background for delicate and romantic designs.
  • Climbing plants will solve the problem of low ceilings, visually raising them, giving the space additional volume.
Original composition of various types of home cacti

Original composition of various types of home cacti

Green contrasts perfectly with white, so the best solution would be to place the plant against the background of a snow-white wall


Picturesque plants with a rich and bright green color will fit perfectly into the home interior

Picturesque plants with a rich and bright green color will fit perfectly into the home interior


As a rule, modern apartments are associated with multifunctional spaces, which often require unobtrusive zoning. A similar task is easily solved by indoor plants, photos of which are posted below in our article.

When choosing flora for the bedroom, try to make a choice in favor of tall and unpretentious indoor plants


A living picture of indoor ivy will be an excellent decoration in the interior

A living picture of indoor ivy will be an excellent decoration in the interior

Despite the fact that the cactus is an unpretentious representative of flora and fauna, it also requires proper care and attention to itself
Tillandsia usnevidnaya allows you to create amazingly beautiful live curtains that perfectly delimit the space.
Tillandsia in the interior of the living room

Tillandsia in the interior of the living room

Tillandsia in the original hanging pot

As for small-leaved plants, monochromatic walls can play the role of background for them, preferably in light colors. Logically, the composition will be completed by room décor and textiles, selected taking into account the colors of flowering plants.

Bright living room interior with beautiful indoor plants

Bright living room interior with beautiful indoor plants

Bright interior with a large abundance of living plants

A plant with large leaves will be a great addition to both classic and modern interiors

A plant with large leaves will be a great addition to both classic and modern interiors

Indoor plants and decorative pillows stylized as them will help dilute the monochrome of the snow-white interior

Indoor plants and decorative pillows stylized as them will help dilute the monochrome of the snow-white interior

In addition to the spatial and compositional aspects, it is also necessary to take into account the rules of maintenance, growing features, environment and requirements for plant care. That is why the purchase of crops should be made only when there is complete confidence that suitable conditions have been created for them.

Loft-style interior with house plants

Loft-style interior with house plants

The perfect combination of gray and green in the interior

Incredibly beautiful hanging arrangement of flowers and house plants

Incredibly beautiful hanging arrangement of flowers and house plants

If the height of the ceiling allows, then in the room you can organize a vertical flower bed of different types of plants planted in pots

If the height of the ceiling allows, then in the room you can organize a vertical flower bed of different types of plants planted in pots

The available range of flowers of indoor plants consists of a large number of shades, ranging from rich emerald to delicate light green tones.

hter if you use flowering orchids, arrowroots, phytonia and other similar plants.

If desired, the recreation area can be turned into a real botanical garden, the main thing is to observe a sense of proportion

If desired, the recreation area can be turned into a real botanical garden, the main thing is to observe a sense of proportion

By installing indoor plants on a mobile table, you will get a mobile living corner, which, if desired, can be moved to another place
A wall shelf in the form of honeycombs will be an excellent home for indoor plants of various groups

A wall shelf in the form of honeycombs will be an excellent home for indoor plants of various groups

A nice, cozy room with a large and bright plant near the wall

A nice, cozy room with a large and bright plant near the wall

If there is a noisy highway near the house, the dwelling has recently been renovated, there is high humidity in the rooms or the rooms are furnished with new products made of wood materials, then the so-called filter plants should be used.


Best of all, the “work” of the filter to purify the air from household toxins is performed by the following types of indoor plants.

Advice! You can place “filtering” plants anywhere in the premises. It is more expedient to use them where people living in the house spend the most time.

Indoor plants in the home interior (photo)

Houseplants with proper selection of their varieties and placement not only serve as a worthy decoration of the premises, but also bring a sense of comfort to them. It is important to take into account the recommendations on the possible harm to health of some flower crops that have toxic properties or negative energy.


The kitchen is the warmest and sunniest place in the house. In addition, the air in this room is always moderately humid and ventilated more often than others. Therefore, the kitchen is ideal for a very wide range of indoor plants and flowers.

However, natural favorable conditions do not guarantee you that your green pets will grow almost on their own. They also need proper care and good living conditions.

An interesting option for kitchen décor can serve as a living wall of plants


Importantly! It is strictly forbidden to place indoor plants in the immediate vicinity of the refrigerator, stove or oven. Hot air, just like cold, is detrimental to most species of flora.

It is also not recommended to put flowers near the sink, as they can get splashes of grease and drops of detergent. If a dishwasher is used to wash dishes, you should not be afraid, the bright colors of green pets will only emphasize the beauty of the working area.

Even a small amount of greenery can radically transform the interior of the kitchen

Even a small amount of greenery can radically transform the interior of the kitchen

In a small kitchen, as a decoration, it is better not to use large plants with a spreading crown or curvaceous forms. If the room is large, voluminous greenery on the contrary will look very advantageous.

Fashionable, concise and relaxed kitchen design decorated with beautiful plants

Модный, лаконичный и непринуждённый дизайн кухни украшенный красивыми растениями

Houseplants are in good harmony with the kitchen, which has a white glossy surface

Houseplants are in good harmony with the kitchen, which has a white glossy surface

Hinged shelves are the perfect place in the kitchen for potted plants

Hinged shelves are the perfect place in the kitchen for potted plants

Living room

The living room is considered to be the standard of quality and the main indicator of the impeccable taste of the owners of the house. This is a kind of center of attention, so the interior design of the living room must be approached responsibly. It should be functional, comfortable, beautiful and cozy.

The presence of ornamental plants in the living room will emphasize the individuality of the room, becoming a stylish accent in the overall interior. The principle of their arrangement is still the same, at the windows – loving light, in places where the sun practically does not fall – shade-tolerant.

Bright and expressive interior of the living room in the style of pop art

Bright and expressive interior of the living room in the style of pop art

A beautiful neighborhood of various plant species in the interior of the living room

A beautiful neighborhood of various plant species in the interior of the living room

Wonderful composition of small cacti in clay pots

Wonderful composition of small cacti in clay pots

As a rule, the living room is quite large in area, so most often it houses indoor trees or plants in large flowerpots. This is a great way to dilute the interior and create an incredible feeling of lightness of space.

  1. Составляя необычные композиции из комнатных цветов и растений постарайтесь разнообразить цветовую гамму за счет разных оттенков.фитодизайнер
  2. Используйте не только классические горшки, но и такие оригинальные элементы, как напольные подставки, подвесные кашпо, стойки, стеллажи, этажерки. Очень красиво представители флоры будут смотреться в плетеных корзинках или деревянных ящиках.

Многочисленные идеи о там как украсить интерьер гостиной с помощью домашних растений можно подсмотреть в интернете.

Houseplants help to improve the microclimate in the house

Houseplants help to improve the microclimate in the house

Beautiful decorative flower stands made of natural wood

Beautiful decorative flower stands made of natural wood


The bedroom refers to the rooms, the atmosphere of which should be absolutely safe. The favorable climate promotes relaxation during sleep, which allows you to rest and rejuvenate.

  • When choosing indoor plants for the bedroom, it must be borne in mind that they begin to absorb oxygen at night, saturating the air with carbon dioxide
The snow-white tones of the bedroom in combination with indoor plants create an atmosphere of harmony and tranquility

The snow-white tones of the bedroom in combination with indoor plants create an atmosphere of harmony and tranquility

The abundance of living plants in the interior of the bedroom gives a feeling of freshness and spaciousness

In order not to cause a constant feeling of lack of air, the appearance of morning dizziness, you should not turn this room into a greenhouse. It is enough to place on the shelf three pots with slow-growing plants that do not produce large buds.