Yoga is self-discipline, a favorite sport, and a whole way of life. This ancient movement helps us relieve stress, maintain mood, fortitude, creates harmony between soul and body. Many people do not want to visit professional salons where yoga is practiced, but want to create a room for such classes at home. How to do it right? What do you need to design a soothing design for such a room? This will be discussed in this article.

Selection and decoration of a room for creating a yoga room

If you do not have the funds to design a full-fledged private office or yoga room, you can create a home corner for such classes for yourself in order to feel comfortable and cozy. For a soothing design of such a room, you should very carefully choose the decoration of the walls: wallpaper or paint. Let it be soft, muted tones.

It is also recommended to choose rooms with the highest quality natural light and spacious. The area is of great importance, since various devices are needed for the full equipment of such a room, and a lot of space is needed to perform exercises.

The choice of lighting and lighting fixtures for the arrangement of the yoga room

An important point in the equipment of a yoga room is lighting. You should choose a room with the most natural quality lighting. If such a condition cannot be achieved for some reason, you should use warm and soft electric light, which will be as close to natural as possible. And you can also buy a salt lamp made of special healing Himalayan salt. Such a lamp will not only have a positive effect on the atmosphere of the house, but will also have a beneficial healing effect on people engaged in the room.

Usually, in real yoga studio rooms, it can be quite dark. Semi-darkness helps to concentrate better on exercises, the eyes are not distracted by something extraneous, it is possible to better focus on yourself and your own feelings. Therefore, it is best to choose some kind of warm and soft local lighting – a table lamp, a specific floor lamp or even candles.

The color scheme of the soothing interior for the yoga room

And now a separate word should be said about the color schemes for the relaxation room for yoga. For better concentration and relaxation, experienced trainers advise soft greenish, yellow and orange colors, in which the walls or floor should be painted.

Yes, many modern yoga studios today choose bright catchy colors and shades for their interiors. And there is a bit of truth in this, because bright colors stimulate the release of energy. But for a home yoga room, it is better to choose calm colors, pastel, natural, natural shades.

The following shades and colors will also be good:

  • The color of a young olive.
  • Ochre shades.
  • Discreet pastel light green, light brown, brown colors.
  • Milky white.
  • Coffee with milk.

Whatever color is chosen, it must be combined with the rest of the yoga room.

Soothing minimalism for setting up a yoga room

If you want to equip a room for home yoga, you should think over every detail of it. But you should be careful not to overload all the free space with unnecessary accessories and other important details. The minimalist style is best suited for arranging a yoga room. It is best suited for a soothing room design of this nature.

Any objects: paintings, posters, pendants, armchair bags, all this should be done in a minimalist style, and ethno style is best suited here. This is necessary to create a natural light atmosphere. You need to think through every detail so that it reflects the freedom and serenity that yoga classes can give.

Decorating a yoga room with plants

Another useful addition to the atmosphere of the yoga room, which will give a special favorable atmosphere, are plants. The most real, alive – in pots and in special flower panels. You should choose plants that attract only positive energy. This is, for example, bamboo or an exotic orchid.

And you can also add various organic materials, for example, pebbles, or wooden parts, stands. Candles with fragrances will also come in handy. This will come in handy for better relaxation.

Décor and incense for a soothing yoga room interior

The place that is chosen for yoga should be soothing, relaxing and inspiring for a good mood and fruitful classes. This place should be, first of all, cozy and inviting. This place should encourage you to break away from everyday life, everyday hustle and bustle and arrange for classes so that you do not want to stop them.

You should choose the décor well. You don’t need a lot of it, but it should be present. To do this, you can use live plants, a salt lamp or special posters and paintings on the theme of yoga and similar classes.

And be sure to use smells in the entourage. According to the classics, sandalwood aromas are best suited, as well as any other essential oils, for example, when it comes to a soothing design, then the smell of lavender will be a worthy addition to it. To make the smell better, you can use a diffuser. There you can pour just essential oils, put special sticks, and enjoy a subtle, barely distinguishable, and very necessary smell.

If the goal is to create a soothing design for a yoga room, then it should be remembered that the whole environment should not contribute to the development of activity, but on the contrary, relaxation, relaxation, immersion in the soul and its needs. The interior should be appropriate: calm colors in the decoration, dim light, a minimum amount of décor and a maximum of useful. To do this, you can put a special salt lamp, place useful plants and natural materials. Taking into account all the creative ideas and the mood for relaxation, as a result, you can get a cozy and very beautiful room for relaxation and effective yoga classes.