This article contains the most popular and sought-after trends in the field of landscape yard lighting, which will help to decorate a plot of the local area in a modern and cozy way. Following these trends, you can choose something of your own, and arrange your own site to your liking and according to your means. The most popular and most striking trends are presented in this article for review.

The trend of economy and efficiency in yard lighting

Today, everything is aimed at environmental friendliness and safety. This includes lighting. Various types of LED lighting are very developed today. And with the help of LEDs, you can save electricity very decently.

The best trend of yard lighting is the use of just economical and efficient LED lighting. This type consumes 80% less electricity than standard lamps and lighting fixtures.

Да, светодиоды требую более высоких затрат и вложений, но со временем эти траты довольно быстро окупятся. А еще один плюс данной тенденции в том, что светодиодное освещение может служить верой и правдой на протяжении 15-20 лет.

The trend of smart and intelligent yard lighting

There is another interesting and spectacular trend in the lighting of courtyards. It is smart and intelligent lighting. What is its meaning? It means a higher level of security and control with the help of fairly simple control systems – remote controls and even certain voice commands. You can arrange intelligent lighting of landscape areas using GoogleAssistant and Alexa systems. Such systems are able to fully control the lighting of the entire site, or its individual zones.

Smart lighting technologies may include a new trend of using innovative sensors and solar-powered lighting. Such devices can be configured to turn on and off independently. You can independently adjust the lighting time, turn on / off devices, and such a system does not imply a socket with wires and a lot of extension cords.

Linear Yard Lighting Trend

Another innovation that has already become firmly established in the modern design and arrangement of courtyards and private areas is a linear lighting system. Such lighting is a long or linear lighting fixture that can be suspended, built into the floor or, conversely, into the ceiling.

Now such lighting plays an important role in the design of lighting of the exterior elements of the yard. Using in practice various geometric shapes, linear lighting fixtures, it is possible to design yard lighting in various styles.

The trend of fashionable Moroccan lighting

A new trend that came to Russia from the East is the Moroccan type of lighting of courtyards and even interiors. This type of lighting will be relevant if you want to give the outdoor area a special charm and exotic look.

Moroccan lanterns have an interesting history and include several design cultures at once: African, Persian, European, and Indian. And all this led to the formation of a complex but amazing design idea for outdoor courtyard lighting.

Bright symmetrical patterns, variegated colors evoke in a person a feeling of a certain surrealism, fabulousness. A very beautiful and extraordinary trend.

Classic lantern lighting of courtyards

Well, now about the classics. You don’t want anything pretentious, unusual, but you want a simple good classic? Then the trend of classic lantern lighting is what you need. What is the advantage of lantern yard lighting:

  • Classics are always alive, and therefore lanterns will always and everywhere. They will not stop emphasizing the desired area with light and drawing attention to it.
  • You can find decorative lanterns that will become a real decoration of the site of a private house.
  • Lanterns can be designed so that they are suitable for poles, and for hanging with the help of trees, as well as to other parts of the site.

Now there is such a trend – the use of solar-powered lighting. So, you can find lantern lighting with this type of power. That will be very economical, and at the same time the appearance of the lighting and the entire site will not suffer.

Outdoor lighting of the yard with bollards

And now a little about the old and good form of lighting – about bollards. They will always be in trend, and over the years their popularity and demand is only growing. This is the easiest and best way to illuminate private yards, driveways, parks and alleys.

Such columns are shortened masts, which are usually placed on city sidewalks, at the beginning or at the very end of alleys and paths. This is done to design the site and to ensure its safety.


There are a variety of methods for installing such lighting:

  1. With the help of such lamps, you can illuminate the path leading to the house or entrance. This will create the effect of some catwalk, and will look very beautiful.
  2. Such lighting will help to emphasize certain features of the local area, favorably emphasize benches, fountains, other art objects and those places that you want to highlight.
  3. You can also illuminate stairs and other places in the dark, which can be potentially traumatic for passers-by in the dark.

And this type of lighting is used to illuminate swimming pools, other water bodies: decorative ponds and even fountains.

There are a huge number of modern trends in lighting adjoining outdoor areas. This is lantern lighting, and linear, and lighting with LED strips, and ground yard lamps, emphasizing the beauty and decoration of the site. The main thing, when choosing the type of lighting, is to focus on its tasks, and also not to forget the fact that you can combine several types of such lighting at once, and make up whole compositions of lamps and other devices for street yard lighting on the site.