Tiles for the kitchen on the floor is one of the design elements of such a necessary room as the kitchen. It performs not only the practical function of flooring, but also aesthetic, because the kitchen is the corner where not only the process of preparing various “goodies” takes place, but also the whole family gathers. There are also meetings of friends over a cup of coffee. Now there is a fairly wide range of floor tiles, but when it is selected, an inexperienced person in construction affairs always has many questions. This article will help you understand the varieties of tiles in some way and tell you practical tips for choosing it.

Floor tiles for the kitchen – precautions when choosing

When considering the question of how to choose floor tiles for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account some recommendations applicable to all types. First of all, it must have a high coefficient of friction, not lower than 0.75 (this information is displayed on the label). This requirement is explained by the fact that if water spills in the kitchen, during cooking, then one of the relatives or guests may slip and get injured.

Since the kitchen is the most visited place in the apartment, the tiles must have high wear resistance. It is also worth paying attention to such an indicator as resistance to household chemicals, because the floor in the kitchen is often contaminated with food particles and requires high-quality cleaning. It is equally important that the tiles for the kitchen on the floor have high strength – many items of kitchen utensils are quite heavy, for example, a cast-iron frying pan or a hammer, and in case of an accidental fall, they are quite capable of damaging the surface.

Naturally, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tiles correspond to the overall interior design and are successfully combined with the color scheme. Designers recommend buying light-colored tiles for kitchens with a small area, as it will visually expand the space. But even if the kitchen is spacious and the choice fell on the dark version, it is better to compensate for it with light furniture and wall decoration. It is not necessary to choose the tone of the tile, focusing only on the color of the wallpaper or items such as curtains, tablecloths, etc., since over time, the wallpaper that is boring to the eye can be re-glued and replaced with textiles, and relaying tiles is a rather painstaking, time-consuming and costly process.

tiles for the kitchen on the floorfloor tiles for the kitchentiles for the kitchen on the floor photoHow to choose floor tiles for the kitchen

Floor tiles for kitchen photofloor tiles for the kitchen and corridorSpanish tiles for the kitchen on the floor photoSpanish tiles for the kitchen on the floor

Tiles for the kitchen on the floor – photo and description of the main types

Having dealt with the general questions on the choice of floor tiles, consider its varieties and features. Of all the variety, we can distinguish such basic types as porcelain stoneware (the most durable and durable), glass (quite expensive, but especially attractive), PVC tiles for the kitchen on the floor (laid without the use of glue using lock joints), natural stone (in most cases, marble is used), etc.

Design of tiles for the kitchen on the floor photofloor tiles for white kitchenPVC tiles for kitchen floorPVC tiles for kitchen floorWhat tiles to choose for the kitchen on the floorWhich tile is better for the kitchen on the floorHow to choose floor tiles for the kitchenBeautiful floor tiles for the kitchen

Ceramic tiles for the kitchen floor – pros and cons

This is the most popular option due to such positive properties as relative cheapness, durability, high strength and wear resistance, i.e. ceramic tiles meet all the above requirements. There is a wide range of models on sale, differing in color and pattern, and it is often difficult to decide which tile to choose for the kitchen on the floor.

Initially, it is important to determine the size. Taking into account the advice of experts in this field, the size of the kitchen space plays an important role here. For example, large tiles are suitable for more spacious rooms, and small tiles or mosaics are suitable for small ones. You also need to assess the condition of the surface on which the tile will be laid – if it is not absolutely smooth, it is worth dwelling on the smaller option.

A relative innovation is ceramic tiles for the kitchen on the floor imitating stone, wood or reptile skin. Continuous improvement of production technologies allows you to achieve such a high effect that only a professional can distinguish tiles from stone in appearance. At the same time, the texture of marble, granite and other types of stone is transmitted as much as possible. Ceramic tiles for the kitchen on the floor, made under the tree (the photo demonstrates some of the methods of laying) often creates an approximate visibility of the wooden floor due to the absence of visible seams.

Of course, ceramic tiles have a lot of advantages, but do not be silent about its shortcomings, which are much less, but, nevertheless, you also need to know about them.



First, ceramic tiles for the kitchen floor are a rather hard coating, and accidentally dropped dishes can break. The second is poor sound insulation (professional craftsmen, before laying tiles on the floor, lay a soundproofing layer). And the most important thing, which will be discussed in more detail in the next section, is that ceramics itself is a very cold material and requires the installation of a floor heating system.



ceramic tiles for the kitchen on the floorCeramic tiles for the kitchen on the floor photoceramic tiles for kitchen flooringceramic tiles for the kitchen on the floor

Ceramic tiles for the kitchen on the floor photo 1tiles for the kitchen on the floor

Underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tiles

Tile for the kitchen on the floor, due to its high thermal conductivity, is the best coating of the underfloor heating system. It is able to make the kitchen warmer and more comfortable, which is especially important in the cold season. In addition, underfloor heating provides proper heating of the body – from the bottom up and is considered a necessary element in a family where there are small children for whom the floor is the main place for games. There are several types of underfloor heating system, namely:

Electric underfloor heating in the kitchen

Electric underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tiles with a heating cable or infrared film. When installing this type of system, it is imperative to check the quality of the wiring and make sure that it is able to withstand heavy loads. The use of a heating cable can entail quite serious costs associated with high electricity consumption. In this regard, electric floors using infrared film are much more economical. This material consumes much less, and, in addition, is much cheaper in itself. Another difference is that if any point of the cable is damaged, it will be necessary to replace the entire system, and if a certain section of the film fails, only it can be replaced.

Underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tilesUnderfloor heating in the kitchen under the tiles


Water underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tiles

Water underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tile is a more complex and expensive design. To lay it, a perfectly flat surface is required to avoid permissible bending of the pipes. Installing such a system will cost the owner much more than electric underfloor heating, but the costs will soon be justified, since the electricity consumption for water heating is much less. In the system of the water floor, equipped in an apartment or a private house, where it is used constantly, in most cases, water is poured. In country houses and cottages, where the owners live seasonally, preference is given to antifreeze.

Underfloor heating in the kitchen under the tiles

Summing up, it is worth noting that the final choice of one or another option is up to the owner, but in terms of economy, durability and efficiency, the infrared option has a significant superiority.