Finding a place for a home mini-office can be very difficult. However, by calling on creativity and inspiration to help, any corner can be turned into a study. And the following 23 ideas will make it easier.

Everything is in its place

When it comes to arranging a home office, the question immediately arises: “Where to store all these folders, documents and necessary accessories?” In this case, the ideal solution would be corner shelving and custom-made wall cabinets. They will also decorate the room, giving it a more open look.

Угловые стеллажи и шкафы белого цвета в домашнем мини-офисе

Home mini-office for working in pairs

Стеллажи и навесные полки из темного дерева в домашнем мини-офисе

Hinged shelves – beautiful and functional

Натуральные материалы в отделке домашнего мини-офиса

Exemplary cabinet

Library in miniature

You can go beyond the usual workplace and turn part of the room into a cozy reading corner. All you need is an armchair, a coffee table, a table lamp (or floor lamp) and, of course, a small shelf for storing your favorite books.

Небольшой читальный уголок в домашнем мини-офисе в морском стиле

A real cabin

Деревянный книжный шкаф в домашнем мини-офисе

The Intellectual’s Refuge – Home Mini-Office

Навесные полки для книг в домашнем мини-офисе белого цвета

And so that no one bothers …

For pleasant conversations

If you prefer the company of close friends to the company of books, then make a small office an elegant and peaceful place. Add a couple of chairs and a stylish table, and you have a full reception area.

Домашний мини-офис - черные кожаные кресла и оригинальный стол

Gentlemen’s club at home

Домашний мини-офис в бежево-серых тонах - хорошее место для бесед с друзьями

Instead of chairs, you can use a sofa

Fire décor

A fireplace will help create a truly magical atmosphere in an improvised office. In such an environment, it will look especially dazzling. And there is no need to worry about extra square meters, because the hearth can be used as a TV stand.

Домашний мини-офис с камином

The mirror above the fireplace adds chic

Домашний мини-офис с камином в деревенском стиле

A tribute to tradition in the home mini-office

Домашний мини-офис с камином, украшенным бирюзовой плиткой

A look from the past

Union with the guest room

The combination of an office and a guest room is very popular and has many practical benefits. And so that such a combination does not bring inconvenience, put a folding bed and a couch that will not take up space unnecessarily.

Домашний мини-офис, совмещенный с комнатой для гостей

The folding bed is retracted into the rack

Домашний мини-офис легко превращается в комнату для гостей

Being in such a room will be pleasant for both guests and owners

Домашний мини-офис при необходимости может стать комнатой для гостей

An example to follow

Домашний мини-офис в скандинавском стиле

A room with an artistic aura

Course on landscaping

What else will refresh the room, if not indoor plants? And it’s not just about aesthetics. They will rid the office of harmful toxins and make the environment healthier.

Растения всегда внесут оживление в домашний мини-офис

It is worth remembering that plants need the sun’s rays

Цветы - яркий элемент декора в домашнем мини-офисе

Romantic image

Тропическое растение добавляет экзотики домашнему мини-офису

Частичка тропиков в городской квартире

A step towards nature

You can also add freshness to the space by installing additional windows. They can be of any shape and size: from miniature windows to giants in the entire wall. In those houses in which the office overlooks the courtyard with a garden or swimming pool, sliding glass doors will come to the place.

Панорамные окна в домашнем мини-офисе

Nothing compares to the beauty of nature

С панорамных окон домашнего мини-офиса открывается прекрасный вид

For total enjoyment

Большие окна в домашнем мини-офисе с видом на лес

Natural minimalism

Большие окна в домашнем мини-офисе с видом на внутренний двор

Simple, but