Secrets of sexy interior No. 1: paintings or photographs depicting nudes

It is very important not to overdo it, so that it does not look vulgar, like in the room of a teenager from a movie.

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Secrets of sexy interior No. 2: low chairs

In them, people’s bodies seem longer and sexier. Each girl who sits in such a chair will visually increase her legs.

The secret of a sexy interior No. 3: lighting – create an intimate twilight, light candles

It is convenient to make several lighting options – main light, zone light and backlight. In the complex, zonal light and lighting will create the desired effect, and if you add a little more candles, it will turn out like in a romantic movie. The main thing is not to be too dark, then the interior can turn into a cave.

7_sekretov_seksualnogo_interera (8)The secret of a sexy interior No. 4: hide all everyday worries

It is very important to hide all things so that nothing distracts or creates the wrong associations. To do this, you can use hidden storage systems, built-in desktops, et

The secret of a sexy interior No. 5: a combination of different textures

Velvet, leather, onyx, various patterned fabrics. If possible, it is necessary to use natural materials. A good effect is obtained when you want to touch the textures or look at them for a long time. As elsewhere, it is important not to overdo it.

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The Secret of Sexy Interior No.: Acoustics

Good sound insulation, so that at the most crucial moment, the vacuum cleaner from the neighboring apartment does not spoil the whole impression.


 The secret of a sexy interior No. 7: and romats and not loud calm music

In order to make the interior sexy, it is important that you feel confident in it. Music and smells can help you with this. But do not use incense sticks if you have a headache from them.