Probably, many visitors to the interiors of rooms have small apartments, and when arranging them, they often encounter difficulties in organizing everyday life.

So, typical urban housing does not allow you to allocate a separate corner for a comfortable wardrobe, and it is in it that it is easiest to store things.

For those whose bedrooms are equipped with a balcony, you can safely convert it into a similar storage of clothes and shoes. Although such a step is not familiar to a modern person, the idea itself has a number of undoubted advantages.

Dressing room on the spacious balcony

Гардеробная на половине балкона

First of all, you can always install at least two side racks on the balcony, which can have a height “under the ceiling” and a considerable depth.

Further, a specially designed shelf system allows you to install low racks with drawers, hangers and boxes by the window without obstructing sunlight.

Компактная гардеробная на балконе

Компактная система хранения гардероба

And besides, the organization of a dressing room in such a place allows you to collect all clothes, shoes, accessories in one area, and place them with maximum comfort in use.

Открытые полки шкафа на балконе

Выдвижные вешалки для балкона

In order for the project to be implemented, it is important to insulate the future storage and close it with a good double-glazed window. This eliminates heat leakage in the cold season and the appearance of dampness, harmful to the fabric.

This may require minor repairs, or significant refinement of the existing design, but in any case it will be a justified action.

Вешалка-пантограф на балконе

Выдвижная полка на балконе

Further, it is important to choose furniture so that every centimeter of the future dressing room is used. Now storage systems have such technical details that allow you to work wonders in the organization of space, but they are quite expensive.

Шкаф с выдвижными корзинами

Компактная вешалка для балкона