The furnishings of the home always reflect our inner state. Did you want something new? Do you want to refresh your design without resorting to protracted repairs and time-consuming alterations? Great, so it’s time to be creative!  has prepared for you six ways to transform a boring interior. Ready?

Interior design  leather sofa in the interior  Interior Styles Photos  Stylish interior items in the bedroom

How to transform a boring interior: if not repair, then what?

First, let’s understand the terminology. “Boring interior” is a very subjective concept and means different things for each person. Let’s divide this term into two conditional groups:

  1. Boring = faded, lifeless
  2. Boring = Outdated

If the first case is yours, then in order to transform a boring interior, it will be enough to add a few stylish items. In the second case, we should consider more thorough methods of alteration. All this will be discussed further. We have prepared for you a selection of great life hacks for each of the conditional groups, which means that everyone can find here what he really likes.


stylish bedroom furnishings Unusual sofa in the interior Paintings for a stylish interior цветы в интерьере как преобразить интерьер

Method 1: Flowers in the interior

Home flowers have always played a big role in the interior. Decorative landscaping “enlivens” the apartment, decorates it and gives comfort.

However, the times when home flowers decorated only window sills are gone. Now we will show you how, with the help of decorative landscaping techniques, you can create not only a cozy corner in the apartment, but also a whole greenhouse! See photo:

Flowers in the interior photo  Flowers in the interior of the living room photo  flowers in the interior, a place to relax; Flowers in the interior green corner

Let’s say right away, in order to create such beauty, you need to choose flowers that will be comfortable living in your interior. For our purposes, tropical deciduous plants or succulents are perfect. They create the right atmosphere and at the same time, most often, unpretentious in care.

Stylish posters for the InternetFlowers in the interior of the living roomsofa in the interior of the apartment  sofa in the interior of the apartment photo


Flowers in the interior of the desktop

And here is an option for a two-level apartment or house with a staircase.

Flowers in the interior of the stairs photo

Climbing flowers are attached to hidden planters. Looks great, you see:

Flowers in the interior of the stairs

Live plants fit perfectly into all interior styles, so experiment, create your own paradise!

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Processed with VSCO with c7 preset

преобразить интерьер


Velvet curtains in the interior

Method 2: Curtains in the interior

It would seem, how curtains will help transform a boring interior? Undoubtedly, pretentious curtains are still not in fashion, however, it is quite possible to create a stylish interior with the help of plain curtains and now we will prove it to you.

Take a look at the photo below:

Curtains in the interior photo  curtains in the interior of the kitchen Curtains in the interior  шторы в современном интерьере  Modern curtains in the interior

It seems to be nothing unusual, however, the eye of every perfectionist is pleased with the curtains in this interior. Calm, muted tones, perfect folds, natural fabrics do their job. So if you are also a bit of a perfectionist, catch the trend and decorate your interior with perfect curtains.

Method 3: Paintings for the interior

A centuries-old way to decorate your home. But here you need to be extremely careful: the presence of paintings can both transform a boring interior and distaste it. Where is the line? Now we’ll tell you.

In modern trends, paintings play a big role, it is important to understand how to use them correctly. First of all, you need to start from the design of the home, for example:

  • In minimalist, industrial, American and modern style designs, we try to use paintings without frames and make color accents out of them as in the photo below:

Apartment in the interior  Paintings for interior diptych

  • In styles such as art deco, eclecticism, country, shabby chic, boho, retro, beautiful frames will be appropriate, but note: the paintings are small and arranged next to each other in a chaotic manner. This is a very trendy technique with which we place the right design accents.

Paintings for the interior photo example Paintings for living room interior photo  Paintings for the interior of the living room  Paintings for bedroom interior  Paintings for the interior in the kitchen photo  картины для интерьера в кухне  картины для интерьера  красивые картины для интерьера  светлый интерьер спальни


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Here are three simple ways to transform a boring interior without super-effort. The advantage is that they can be used even in rented apartments. What’s more?

Decorative shelves:

Unusual interior design  Stylish Shelf Interior Items Bright interior photo

Wicker décor on the wall:

Decorative Interior BedroomStylish interior items

Cozy cocoon armchairs

bedroom interior photo stylish interior items armchair

Curtains-threads in the interior can also be beaten very profitably. Read more about this here.

Method 4: Doors in the interior

Next, we will talk about more radical ways to transform a boring interior. The type of interior doors greatly affects the overall picture of the house or apartment. Let’s take a look at a couple of trending options. Glass door in the form of a partition:

Doors partition in the interior  

And here is the door-book:

Doors book in the interior

Sliding doors will be very convenient for apartments where the main task is to save space.

Wooden doors in the interior  Glass doors in the interior  Glass sliding doors in the interior

And here’s how you can update the old door, preserving its authenticity:

Unusual doors in the interior

Method 5: Combination of colors in the interior

Non-trivial color solutions can provide a stylish interior for your home. Remember the importance of geometry and clear lines above? See how the right combination of colors in the interior can transform it:

decorative interior photo example Doors in the interior photo  Doors in the interior

Such seemingly uncomplicated design solutions are simply amazing!

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

The combination of colors in the interior of the photo  The combination of colors in the interior  Stylish doors in the interior