Before you start creating a landscape design for a private house with your own hands, you should ask yourself a few important questions. What do you expect from your yard? Do you need an entertainment area where you can actively spend time with family and friends? Or do you want to surround your home with a beautiful and picturesque garden with nooks and crannies for relaxation?

When preparing tips and ideas for your yard design, Dekorin has tried to consider and take into account the different needs of private house owners. In addition, we have collected here 35 photos with examples of landscape design that will inspire you to improve your garden with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself landscaping of a private house - ideas with photos

Where to start landscaping a private house with your own hands?

It would be best to sketch a sketch of your possessions on a piece of paper. Schematically designate the following objects and zones on it:

  1. The contours of the house, the site itself, as well as all existing buildings (well, garage, barn, terrace, etc.);
  2. Places where underground pipes and cables run;
  3. Trees and shrubs that you are not going to get rid of;
  4. Sunny and shady areas (can be marked with different colors, for example, yellow and gray);
  5. Problem areas, if any (with poor drainage, soil erosion, rocks, high humidity, minks of garden pests, etc.).

Do-it-yourself landscape design of a private house - photo 2017

As you note all of this information in your project, you will begin to have a clear idea of what needs to be done to decorate your yard and garden.

So, after you mark all of the above areas, it will become clear where it is better to mark the recreation area, and where to plant which plants. After all, they all have their own preferences for the amount of light, shade and moisture consumed per day. Clearly knowing your site and your preferences in landscape design, you can choose for planting ideally suitable plants that will easily take root.

The next step is to mark on the project the places that you want to allocate for plants and all other decorative elements: paths, recreation areas, an alpine slide, etc.

We create a beautiful landscape of the yard with our own hands

Further in this article you will find interesting ideas for planning and landscape design of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands.

Landscaping of the yard - do-it-yourself photos, executed ideas

1. The main secret in the landscape design of a private house is contrasts

Creating contrasts is one of the easiest ways to succeed in landscape design. Every experienced designer knows that plants in the garden will have a greater effect if they are planted together. Even lush shrubs tend to look better in groups of 3 or 5. By planting plants of different heights, colors and textures in the same place, you will make them emphasize each other. But when grouping plants on your property, remember that the plants and flowers in each group should have the same needs for sunlight, soil quality, and watering.

Do-it-yourself yard landscape - contrasting colorsDo-it-yourself yard landscape - photos of real plots

If you do not plan to turn the courtyard of your private house into a lush garden that needs to be looked after, then consider combining different materials in the landscape. For example, in the design of a yard with a neat lawn, you can add an area with bright mulch (crushed stone) or a mound of stones (pebbles, gravel). Crushed stone today is available in a variety of shades that can beautifully harmonize with the color of the façade and other exterior elements, and at a cost it is much cheaper than stone.

Do-it-yourself landscape of the courtyard of a private house - photo of crushed stoneLandscaping of a private house with your own hands - a combination of materials


If you create a landscape design of a private house with your own hands, then do not forget to lay out a layer of landscape fabric under gravel or mulch, which will hold the embankment within its boundaries and will not allow weeds to germinate. Examples of such a solution you see in the photo.

Do-it-yourself landscaping of the yard - we use stone

2. Curved lines in the landscape of the courtyard of a private house

Strict rectangular flower beds and straight garden paths today are extremely disliked by most landscape designers. On the contrary, curved lines are one of the surefire ways to make the landscape of the yard look natural and give you the pleasure of natural beauty.

Do-it-yourself landscaping of a private house - photos of flower beds and plantingsBeautiful landscaping of the yard with your own hands - photo of the layout


Do-it-yourself landscaping of the yard - photo with conifersDo-it-yourself landscaping of the yard photo - flower beds and lawnLandscaping of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands - with an alpine slide


4. Do-it-yourself flower beds and containers

Nothing in landscaping is as satisfying as an element of mystery. And you should be especially pleased with the fact that such an element is very easy to add to the landscape of the courtyard of a private house with your own hands. To do this, you only need old things that can be used as a garden vase or container for planting flowers. Take a look at the photo below: these simple ideas make you think about the past and inspire dreamy fantasies.

Ideas for the design of the courtyard of a private house - photos with flowersUnusual ideas for landscape design of the courtyard of a private house - photoLandscaping of a private house - containers for flowers with their own handsЛандшафтный дизайн двора своими руками со старыми вещами


Do-it-yourself landscaping of a private house - a photo of the backlight at nightLamps for landscape design of a private house with their own hands - photo

6. Create a cozy relaxation area in the garden with your own hands

You often use your yard to:

  • Cooking kebabs and other dishes?
  • Enjoying fresh air and games with your children?
  • Evening gatherings with conversations around the fire?

Then you just need to equip a recreation area! In addition to garden furniture (table, chairs and armchairs), it should also have an element of sun protection, which can simultaneously act as an element of comfort and décor. How about a wrought-iron or wooden gazebo with climbing plants?

Do-it-yourself landscaping of the yard - a photo of a gazebo in the garden


7. Terrace in the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house

The terrace adjacent to the house is a popular option for a recreation area today, which can also be part of the landscape design. For example, as an option in the photo below: such a brick terrace with a fire pit in the center may well be done with your own hands.

Landscaping of the yard - photo of the terrace with your own handsЛандшафтный дизайн двора частного дома своими руками с зоной отдыхаDo-it-yourself yard landscape - beautiful layout of the site

8. Swimming pool or pond in the courtyard of a private house

Despite all the costs and special requirements, small ponds – pools and ponds – are becoming more and more common elements of the landscape design of a private house.

Artificial pond in the landscape design of a private houseDo-it-yourself yard landscape - photo with a small pond

9. DIY Inspiring Yard Landscape

Are you one of those for whom nature is an important source of inspiration? Want to use your garden for solitude, relaxation, and meditation? Then, when creating a landscape design with your own hands, provide secluded places in the yard, surrounded by tall and medium lush plants. Unlike gazebos and awnings that separate you from the environment, a couple of chairs or a lonely bench among the thickets will allow you to merge with nature together. For the full effect, you can place statues, large stones, water features, bird feeders, etc. in the garden.

Do-it-yourself landscape of the courtyard of a private house - photo for inspirationHow to decorate the landscape of the yard with your own hands - a photo with old furnitureDo-it-yourself landscaping of a private house with plants


10. Separating elements as an important landscape décor

Another idea for the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house, which you can implement with your own hands, is the installation of low fences and other visual dividers that will give the yard an interesting structure. In the role of such partitions, you can also use a hedge and garden paths. Combine different types of materials to emphasize the uniqueness of each area of your site – recreation areas, playgrounds, flower plantations, vegetable garden, etc.

Wooden furniture and a fence in the landscape design of the yard with your own handsDo-it-yourself landscape design of a private house - photo selection 2017