The times when the balcony served only as a place for flower seedlings, a pantry for unnecessary things and a place where you can dry clothes after washing are long gone, and this is certainly a plus. A beautiful, modern balcony interior is not just a formally performed procedure, it is an art!

Especially creative owners use square meters of balcony space with such skill that sometimes you just wonder: “And as soon as they thought of this?”

If you are also thinking about how to turn an ordinary balcony into something beautiful and mega functional, this is the place for you! Dekorin has a lot of interesting ideas for you on this topic.


Then roll up your sleeves and… Let’s go!

balcony with wicker hammock

balcony design with hanging chair

Interesting ideas for the balcony

Interesting ideas for balcony photos

Unusual balcony interior

The interior of the living room with a balcony: how to transform the everyday environment?

Let’s start with the living room. It doesn’t matter if you have a large apartment or a small one, expanding the space by a couple of squares is not a bad idea. Let’s think about how to improve your room at the expense of the balcony.

What you should think about first of all is the benefits that you will receive after combining a balcony and a living room. Among them:

  • More light!

Natural light plays an important role in the design of the room. Even wallpaper and furniture should be selected depending on the level of illumination. So, if you want to see your living room bright, cozy and fresh – break the balcony partition, glaze the existing niche from floor to ceiling and enjoy a panoramic view of the city right from your living room!

  • Elongated room

Another important plus in the combined space. The room is bigger, brighter and, as a result, cozier.

  • Creative Zone

The interior of the living room, combined with a balcony, is able to unfold thousands of possibilities in front of you! Just think how many options for arrangement you will have. We will talk about this in more detail, but a little later.

balcony connected to the living room

balcony connected to the living room

Living room design with balcony

Living room design with balkn photo

living room with balcony

Living room with balcony photo

интерьер гостиной с балконом

интерьер гостиной с балконом фото

лоджия с гостиной

лоджия в гостиной фото

современный интерьер гостиной с балконом

Modern living room interior

The interior of the kitchen with a balcony – combine and rejoice!

Let’s say you live in a Khrushchev building, well, or a small family, or a miniature studio. Tell me, would you like to equip the kitchen as in luxury apartments? Well, so that with a dining room, or with a cozy sofa for relaxation, or with a bar counter at worst?

We assure you, there is a solution! Just combine the balcony and kitchen into one space. Voila, a lot of free space to make your desires come true!

Use our tips, and the interior of your kitchen with a balcony will be instantly transformed!

balcony doizain interior photo

balcony kitchen

The interior of the balcony in the apartment photo

Kitchen interior with balcony

Kitchen interior with balcony photo

Interiors of balconies and loggias

Interiors of balconies and loggias photo

Kitchen with balcony

Modern balcony interior

современный интерьер балкона фото

The interior of the bedroom with a balcony – comfort and personal space

The bedroom is a sacred place. Here you fall into the arms of Morpheus and you should be comfortable. A cluttered Soviet-style balcony (and even more so a loggia) interferes with high-quality ventilation and natural lighting of the room, making it dull and dull.

Imagine that when you wake up, the first thing you will see is a blue sky, and you will fall asleep looking at the stars. Well, isn’t it bad? That’s the same!

The interior of the balcony in the bedroom can also be turned into a wonderful place where you will read books before going to bed or sway in a cozy hanging chair. Wonderful, isn’t it?

balcony interior design balcony interior design photo balcony interior ideas Bedroom design

bedroom design with balcony Balcony interior Balcony interior photo The interior of the balcony in the apartment The interior of the balcony in the apartment The interior of the room with a balcony The interior of the room with a balcony bedroom interior with balcony bedroom interior with balcony bedrooms with balcony or loggia

The interior of a studio apartment with a balcony is spacious and creative

If we talk about the interior of the balcony in the studio apartment, then God himself ordered to combine the space! The main thing is to zone it correctly, that’s all.

The interior of a studio apartment with a balcony can be designed in such a way that the combined area will serve as both a living room and an office, and maybe even a kitchen (an option for small-sized apartments). However, you should understand that it is not necessary to litter the balcony area with a large number of elements, in this case. Otherwise, you run the risk of “stealing” the lion’s share of daylight from the studio apartment.

balcony in the studio apartment

Design of a studio apartment of 25 sq. meters

Design of a studio apartment with a balcony

The interior of the studio apartment

The interior of the balcony in the apartment

The interior of the living room with a balcony

Living room interior with balcony photo

The interior of a studio apartment with a balcony

The interior of the studio with a balcony


The interior of the studio with a balcony

The interior of a small balcony is cramped and not offended

With the combination, we found out. And now let’s discuss the design options for individual balconies. If you still do not want to redraw the layout of the apartment, let’s think about how to make the balcony beautiful, and most importantly functional.

The interior of a small balcony requires a special approach. It should be such a cozy place for the soul, but what if the footage is quite insignificant?

  • Don’t clutter up!

You should not try to fill a small space with everything at once. Decide what function your new work of art (read balcony) will perform and equip it in a minimalist style.

  • Let there be light!

Do not hang on the windows (if the balcony is glass) rough curtains, blinds, etc. In the daytime, as well as at night, you can get by with Roman curtains, for example. They do not weigh down the space and do not create the effect of a cramped matchbox.

  • Give illumination!

Again about lighting. Run electricity to the balcony and equip spotlights. This will add comfort to the space and place the necessary accents in the interior.

sofa on the balcony

Small balcony design

Small balcony design

The interior of the bedroom combined with the balcony

The interior of a small balcony

Beautiful balcony

Miniature balcony photo

arrangement of a small balcony

Outdoor balcony photo

Bright apartment

The interior of the balcony in Khrushchev – beauty that does not require sacrifice

By purchasing square meters in Khrushchev, you get in addition a fairly standard, one might even say monotonous layout. This also applies to the balcony.

To equip a beautiful and cozy place in a standard small space, use photo ideas from Dekorin. Here are a few of them:

Well, did you like it? Then go for it!

Tip: to create a comfortable interior of a small balcony as in the photo above, be sure to insulate it. Otherwise, condensation will appear on the walls in winter, and this can lead to damage to the finish. And you are unlikely to like sitting on the balcony in a fur coat.

Balcony in Khrushchev

Balcony in a modern style in Khrushchev

Balcony design in Khrushchev

Balcony design in Khrushchev

Interior design of a small balcony in Khrushchev

Beautiful balcony interior design

Functional balcony in Khrushchev