It is impossible to decorate a children’s corner in a one-room apartment stylishly and ergonomically, you say. Don’t jump to conclusions! Qualified specialists of the Dekorin portal are ready to prove to you that this is a delusion. Today we will discuss all the details, reveal the secrets of successful design and inspire you with amazing ideas! Ready? Let’s go!

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Decorating a children’s corner in a one-room apartment: where to start?

So, you are faced with a difficult task – to expand the functionality of a one-bedroom apartment so that it also plays the role of a full-fledged children’s zone. It is impossible to say that this will require minimal effort, because it all depends on the initial conditions of your premises.

There are two options:

  1. You are planning repairs taking into account the children’s area;
  2. The design of a children’s corner in a one-room apartment needs to be integrated into an existing design.

The entire further strategy of your actions will depend on this data. We have prepared inspiring ideas and tips for both options. Begin.

Take a closer look at the photo below, do you notice something in common between them?

Decoration of the play area for a girl A school corner in a one-room apartment Bright children's corner for a boy

The correct answer is the podium! Yes, yes, the decision to design the children’s space in this way was made for a reason. The thing is that elevation is one of the best ways to zone space.

How to make an original corner for a child How to conveniently make a children's corner for your child

If the square footage of housing does not allow you to create a children’s room in the traditional sense for us, it is competent zoning that comes to the rescue. When different styles are mixed in one room, furniture of different functionality is piled up (desktop, TV, sports corner) – all this creates the effect of chaos in our heads. In such a room, we will not be able to fully feel comfortable. However, if we put a children’s corner in a one-room apartment on the podium, everything changes. Thus, we divide the space and place the necessary accents.

children's area in a one-room apartment in pastel colors How to ergonomically make a children's corner in a one-room apartment  Children's corner on the second tier in a small apartment

If, nevertheless, you plan to make the design of a children’s corner in a ready-made one-room apartment, catch ideas!

children's area in a one-room apartment, two beds How to fence off a crib in a one-room apartment photo  How to make a children's corner in a one-room apartment  Decoration of a children's corner in a one-room apartment photo

The first advantage of this design will be savings. You do not have to start a major overhaul, you just need to choose a suitable corner in the store.

Children's area in a one-room apartment photo A school corner in a one-room apartment  Stylish children's area in a one-room apartment


A cozy area for a little princess How to make a children's corner in a one-room apartment  Modern apartment: an example of zoning


как отгородить детскую кроватку в однокомнатной квартире пример How to make a children's corner in a one-room apartment ideas  School Corner

Special floor structures will not only help you divide the space, but will also serve as shelves for children’s things.

Children’s corner for a newborn in a one-room apartment: photo ideas for inspiration

Preparing the apartment for the arrival of the baby is responsible, exciting and very pleasant. Contrary to numerous beliefs, zoning children’s and adult space is equally important for both an infant and a grown-up child.

In this regard, you can use the above information and immediately equip the nursery, over time, only slightly changing the surroundings. See how it is presented in the photo below:

Children's corner for a newborn in a one-room apartment photo  Children's corner in a one-room apartment  How to make a children's corner in a one-room apartment photo  Bright corner for a child in a one-room apartment photo

How many new ideas can be implemented here as your baby grows up!

You should also keep in mind that the children’s corner for the newborn should be bright, pleasing to the eye and safe space, especially if it is located in a one-room apartment.

Children's corner for a newborn in a one-room apartment for two children Children's corner for a newborn in a one-room apartment  Children's corner in a one-room apartment Example Successful design of the room for the child

Do not forget about a convenient place for feeding near the crib and a changing table with storage drawers. If you are afraid that these things will clutter up the space and look too colorful – do not despair! Get inspired by these photo examples:

Children's corner for a newborn in a one-room apartment Example