Here we will tell you two options to have a barbecue, one of them is to build it yourself, the other is to adapt the   and turn it into a   barbecue without having to invest or work a lot.

1. Plan

Have Your Own Built-in Barbecue

The first step is planning. Here you will have to evaluate the space where you are going to build the barbecue. Measure the space, consider the length, width and height of it. So you can choose the design that you like the most.

After deciding if your barbecue will have two or three grills, smoker and even oven. The next step is to determine the materials you will need. How many bricks will you require? Will you use cement, steel or wood? What will the finishes be like? In addition, you must set a budget for your barbecue.

2. Purchase

Having Your Own Built-in Barbecue in 3 Steps

Once you have the plans of your barbecue, as well as the materials you need, it’s time to go shopping. With your budget and list of necessary items, approach a DIY store, physical and online, and buy everything you need.

We suggest that you first evaluate the prices in order to find the best option among the different stores and warehouses. If you still do not know the list of materials, here you can know what are the  scratch.

3. Build

Build a Built-in Barbecue

The next step, once you have all the materials, is to start building. For this, the ideal is to look for a tutorial that guides you in DIY techniques. Some stores offer classes to teach you how to do different works so you will have plenty of information. It’s just a matter of searching.

Keep in mind that, like any construction, patience is essential to ensure quality. Give it enough time for the concrete to harden. In addition, you must also give importance to details such as finishes. So you will have the best barbecue built by yourself.

How to convert a gas barbecue into a construction one?

1. First You Need a Gas BBQ

First You Need a Gas BBQ

In addition to building your built-in barbecue from scratch, there is also the possibility of adapting a gas barbecue to a built-in one. For this, the first step, logically, is to have a gas barbecue.

While there are many gas barbecue options on the market, choosing one can be tricky. These tips for choosing the best gas barbecue will help you find the one that best suits your tastes, needs and budget. Having your barbecue is fundamental for the next step, planning.

2. Make a Work Plan

Make a Work Plan

Once you have your barbecue work, the next step is to take the measurements of it. From these, and the characteristics of the space where you will place your barbecue, then you must plan how it will be the same, how you will embed the barbecue, if you will add extra elements, etc.

Planning is critical not only to determine design or construction techniques, it will also help you shop better. Do not underestimate the power of a plan or a budget as these will help you better adapt your gas barbecue to a rustic style.

3. Let’s get to work!

Hands on Barbecue DIY

Now, the next step is very simple, get to work. With your plan ready and your gas barbecue set up, then it’s time to start working. First prepare the ground, continue with the main works, assemble your barbecue and finish with the details.

Do not worry if you have never done any DIY task, nowadays this is very simple. You can find a lot of tutorials on the internet, as well as blog articles (like this one) to learn how to turn your gas barbecue a rustic. Even in DIY stores classes are offered.

Which Option Suits Me Best? Adapt or Build?

Without a doubt, this is one of the most common questions. While building a built-in barbecue from scratch gives you a lot of versatility in decisions, perhaps the best option is to adapt your gas barbecue with rustic style.

Adapting your gas barbecue will not only give a rustic touch to your barbecue, it will also allow you to add additional elements. If you get creative, you can place an area to use charcoal or firewood, bars to make it easier to cook, a warehouse and even an oven. This way you will have the best barbecues of your life, on weekends.

Characteristics of a Built-in Barbecue

Versatile: One of the reasons why people love built-in barbecues is the fact that they are very versatile. And it is that these not only serve to cook a barbecue, we can also use it to smoke and even to bake, depending on its design.

Adaptable: Another important feature is the fact that the built-in barbecue adapts perfectly to any garden because thanks to the fact that it is built from 0, it can be done with any size, from a huge barbecue to a much more compact and small.

Easy to build: Although it seems otherwise, building or adapting a barbecue is very simple for two reasons: availability of materials and information. Now you can buy all the materials in the mall, as well as look for videos, tutorials or guides to build your own barbecue.

Vintage rustic style: Finally, you should know that the most striking feature of a brick barbecue is its vintage or rustic style which gives a picturesque touch to any space, whether a terrace or a garden. This is thanks to the fact that brick, cast iron and even wood are used for its construction.