If they are not useful or of quality, it is something that I never recommend, because I dislike it very much.

They seem to me vulgar and nonsense.

So if you are looking to make a personalized gift for the home, or a self-gift that always comes in handy, these that we are going to see will interest you.


Tabla de cortar de bambú personalizada


I love cutting boards. They are an element of the most decorative and, of course, necessary in the kitchen. For me I would have the kitchen full of them. Literally.

Now imagine a good quality cutting board, made of bamboo, like the one we see above these lines and, in addition, personalized with the name, drawing or image you want.

This one I have put in the image is just a simple example, but we can find other models that fit more to our preferences in size or shape.

The fact is that a cutting board is always necessary in the kitchen; If it is made of bamboo, better, since it is a sustainable and durable material over time, and if it is customized to our liking, we curl the curl, don’t you think?

Let’s look at another personalized gift.


Set de quesos personalizable


We still do not leave the kitchen to see the next personalized gift that is neither more nor less, as we see above this paragraph, a beautiful set of cheeses with all their utensils, made of bamboo and stainless steel and with a removable slate tray to be able to wash it easily and present the cheeses.

Also to this beautiful gift for the home we must add that it is customizable in different areas, such as in some of the utensils or on the side of one of the lids.

Also this gift can be found in the store Gift Advertising.

Let’s look at another gift.


Portavelas personalizado


Now we leave the kitchen (or not) to see this other nice detail that is a beautiful wooden candle holder in which, as we see in the image, we can customize it by putting the name we want.

A most charming gift. Who doesn’t proudly wear such a gift? This is what I was referring to at the beginning of the article, when personalized gifts are of quality and good taste, I am very much in favor.


difusor de aromas personalizado


Another gift that I loved is this aroma diffuser that, of course, we can customize to give away or for ourselves.

I recently bought an aroma diffuser with essential oils and I love how it works, as long as we use good quality oils (back to business as usual).

This element not only adds a cozy decorative touch, but it can make our house or a room of it, rather, smell our favorite aroma in the simplest way possible.


Toalla de baño personalizada