Do you like waterfalls? Gelendzhik (and, by the way, known to everyone) is rich in these amazing natural phenomena. All of them – both large and very small – will definitely stop there.
See the lower stream (although the waterfalls are not very large), as a rule, all tend to come to this blessed place. Camps are very popular with young people staying in Gelendzhik, and in many romantics around the world. This waterfall tour usually takes full days. But since it is confirmed that such feelings are stored in permanent memory, it worries about the lack of time spent.
Section 1. Waterfalls. Gelendzhik. General description of roads

This small spa town offers visitors the opportunity to learn about interesting places. Gelendzhik is not a very usual city that many tourists agree. By the way, World has often included other tours for these waterfalls. why? Well, you judge to get to know a lot of scenic spots, and along the edge, still to combine the journey, combined with mountains, monuments of local nature, architectural masterpieces and, of course, falls.
How do you choose first? You can travel to Leisure World to dolmens, which are age-peers in the Egyptian pyramids. Such a monumental attitude consists not only of interest. Many tourists feel happy, feel special here. Today, interest rates are very high. Special atmosphere feels very precious in our time, touch the old structure!
And passion, and tourists tend to Janet River Valley. This place is one of the most popular school holidays used. Millions of years ago, there were seas of Titius. Today, fossils of marine animals can be found at the bottom of the Genet.
Gelendzhik has excellent conditions for extreme sports – it is specially designed for this route.
Section 2. Waterfalls. Gelendzhik. Legends and beliefs
Gelendzhik World residents keep many legends about their tourist attractions for waterfalls. It is said that at sunset Pshadskih waterfalls attract people virgin, seen, and when they reach the edge of the places where they hang out, since they fall suddenly, then they can be forgotten. Once lost a lover, according to legend, this mysterious stranger destroys people.
At the top of the mountain you can see the Gebeus falls, which merge to form the river Teshebes. It is believed that those who decided to be their father’s lovers without the permission of a rich nobleman will begin an endless trial with his daughters. He suddenly encountered on his way forests, rivers and stone walls appeared – so the woman asked for help and protection from the earth. A nobleman lost his daughters forever. When he realized this well, he wept and turned to the stone. According to legend, the waterfall was formed at this moment. They call it “male tears”. Agree, tragic, but at that time and very romantic story!
Section 3. Falls. Gelendzhik. Peculiarities of the area
The most popular waterfalls on the Janet River: Pshadskie, Plesetsk and Gebeusskie. The valley consists of extraordinary beauty. If you go there from Renaissance Village, it can be an amazing place with cascading waterfalls. There are also cafes and souvenir stalls for tourists.
Gelendzhik is well visible on the map. Therefore, it is very possible to reach on your own, not just as part of a tour group.
Thaba river Plesetsk gap is given Plesetskye waterfalls. There are more than 70 sections in total. They are the highest -, yellow, tall, wide and Tie – to a height of more than 10 meters.
The famous Pshada river and its tributary Ratu Ganga are covered with waterfalls – here they are more than mouths. They are very small in height – up to 5 meters high (9 meters)
The topography here is amazing, and the rest, of course, is amazing and very beautiful! That is why there is a lack of tourists even in the offseason.