Sri Lanka is at the top of many lists among the most beautiful tourist destinations in Asia. According to the reports of foreigners, Sri Lanka is a profitable place to enjoy nature and cultural values. There are many other beautiful places in the Asian region that we also belong to in Sri Lanka. The high peaks of the Himalayas, deserts like Gobi, Karkuram, as well as the beautiful islands of the Pacific Ocean in Indonesia are included in the largest continent of the world, the Asian continent. Hundreds of thousands of tourists go to those places every year to see and enjoy the most beautiful places. Let us know about some such places.
1. The brawl

For those who like to see mountains and climb mountains, there is no other place as easy as Nepal. Pokhara is also a beautiful city surrounded by hills. A lot of tourists hang around Phewa Lake in that city. Tourists who flock to Phewa do not forget to ride boats on Phewa Lake, visit the Japanese temple on the mountain near the lake and walk along the lake. From Pokhara, it is possible to climb the Annapurna mountain range for a short distance and come down to see the glaciers very close. Tourist activities like skydiving, walking through waterfalls, water rafting, bicycle riding can be done cheaply.
2. Bali
Indonesia is a place where Sri Lankans can go without a visa. Although two volcanoes recently erupted near Bali, for Indonesians volcanoes are as common an experience as everyday car accidents. For us Sri Lankans in Bali, we don’t see much difference. Seeing the volcanoes and seeing the Komodo reptiles nearby is a new experience for us too. Bali is famous among tourists in the world because of its beautiful beaches. You can also enjoy surfing and diving in the blue waters of Bali. Just like there are Helmalu in our city side, Bali also has very beautiful cultivation in the mountains. Foreigners walk in those fields, farm with those farmers and get that experience.
3. Varanasi

In the Buddhist character, the province known as Varanasi in those days was called Varanasi, where the nobles like Anepidu Sittuma lived. Varanasi, situated next to the river Ganga, is a very famous place for those who perform pujas in the river Ganga. Indian people come to Varanasi to get the blessings of those Hindu pujas, and foreigners to see their beauty. If a Sri Lankan goes to Varanasi, one cannot forget the nearby Buddha Gaya. Bodhgaya, which can be reached by a 2-3 hour journey from Varanasi, is famous as a place of worship for Buddhist people all over the world. Varanasi is a famous place for foreign tourists to see Indian Hindu cultural aspects and to see a certain aspect of Indian people’s life.
4. Hanoi – Vietnam

Hanoi was the capital of North Vietnam where the guerrilla leader Ho Chi Minh lived during the war between North and South Vietnam. Located in Hanoi and consisting of many beautiful islands called Lon Bay, the sea bay is a very attractive place. And the boat ride in Lon Bay is a must experience for anyone coming to Hanoi. Many things are available at low prices in Hanoi, where massages, spa facilities etc. are also available at low prices. Visiting the mountain ranges near Hanoi, climbing them, as well as sightseeing in the city are popular among tourists.
5. Siem Reap – Cambodia

Cambodia, one of the countries where the Theravada Buddhist heritage still exists, is a special place for those who like ancient ruins. Many ancient ruins in Cambodia are still preserved in their old ways. The ancient Buddha statues, pagodas, etc. in Siem Reap, Cambodia, cause light feelings in the minds of all Buddhists and non-Buddhists.
6. Chien Mai – Thailand

The province of Chien Rai in the northern part of Thailand recently became famous after a group of children were rescued from being trapped in an underground cave. 200 km away, Chien Mai is a popular tourist center in Thailand today. More and more backpackers come to enjoy the beauty of Chien Mai, which is not as crowded as Bangkok and Phuket. There are spectacular national parks with elephants and leopards in Chien Mai province. Also, the temples and temples of this province, where there is a majority of Buddhists, are also attractive places for tourists. The waterfalls and landscapes in the mountainous environment of this province with mountainous parts have managed to attract the attention of foreign tourists.
7. Kyoto – Japan

Kyoto was included in the first two cities chosen to drop atomic bombs on Japan. But because an American senior official on the friendly side had spent his honeymoon in Kyoto, he removed Kyoto from the cities to be bombed. Kyoto is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Japan. The city of Kyoto in Japan, which tourists from Western countries never get bored of, has become popular because of its ancient values. Kyoto Emperor of Japan from 794 AD to 1868
Used as the capital.
8. Arkangai – Mongolia

Mongolia, a beautiful country located in Central Asia, became the headquarters of the mighty Mongol Empire in the 1200s. Arkangai is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Mongolia. Mountains running as far as the eye can see, lakes full of water etc. can be seen in this province. The nature of these mountains is slightly different from the mountains we see in Sri Lanka. The mountains seen in Arkangai are not so watery and evergreen, and have turned green in places. Arkangai, which also belongs to the Siberian parts of the Gobi desert, is popular as a beautiful province where you can enjoy the people’s life, cultural elements and environment unique to that province.
At one end of Asia there are countries like Japan, China, Korea, at the other end there are Middle East countries like Iran, Israel, in the middle part there are countries like India, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and at the south-east there are countries like Thailand and Indonesia. According to that, the diversity of Asia is so great that even the faces of the people of distant countries such as China, Japan, etc. are different from the faces of the Sri Lankans in the middle of Asia, even though they are in the same Asia. Although we cannot travel everywhere in Asia, if we can leave footprints in some of the most different and important places, we can consider it as a good fortune.