1. Visit a museum on a rainy day

It is said that it rains heavily on Berlin for about one third of a year. This is why Berliners usually jokingly advise tourists to visit a museum on a rainy day. Because there are one hundred and eighty museums in Berlin, each museum has its own unique identity. Because of this, most tourists to Berlin spend most of their time visiting museums.


2. The longest beer garden in the world

You must have been to many parks. But in Berlin you can see the longest beer garden in the world. Not always, only in August. From three to five days in August, shops selling different types of beer are built along the lane called Karlmarks. In some cases, you’ll also get to sample some of the world’s best beers.



3. See the wonders of all of Berlin

If you go to Paris, you can climb the Eiffel Tower and see Siri all over Paris. There is no such tall tower in Berlin. But with an even more exciting experience, you will be able to see the beauty of the entire Berlin before your eyes in Berlin. This place is called ALEXANDERPLATZ. Here you will be able to spread your wings like a bird and realize how beautiful Berlin is. We will not tell you how in detail. Just search for ALEXANDERPLATZ.


4. Berlin competing with Paris

Many people don’t know that Berlin is nine times the size of Paris. But compared to that, the population is less. Because of this, the distress of Paris is not seen in Berlin. Here we emphasize the word relatively. Berlin is busier than Colombo.


5. The Berlin Wall

You may remember that about two years ago there was a wave of beautifying Sri Lanka by painting on the walls all over Sri Lanka. Even the people who contributed to that wave may not know what happened to that wave today. But in Berlin there is a wave that never subsides. This wave has both good and bad sides. For example, the German government has to spend a huge amount of money to remove these murals. But many Germans believe that murals are an extension of their freedom of expression.


6. Second to Venice

Venice is famous all over the world as a city built around waterways. But Berlin has more waterways than Venice. Because of this, these waterways play a unique role in Berlin’s traffic.


7. Underground city

Much more of Berlin is underground than meets the eye. Today, many railways and highways have been built around the tunnels, and during the Second World War, the Germans built a network of bunkers and protected roads to protect against enemy attacks. Today, this network of bunkers has become the number one tourist attraction