If you search for the least known continent in the whole world, the answer will be Antarctica. Many people do not even know that Antarctica is a continent. Some people use the name South Pole instead of Antarctica. Therefore, we thought to bring you a short note to inform you about Antarctica. Here are the top 5 facts about Antarctica.


The driest continent in the world

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Would you believe that Antarctica is the driest place in the world even though it is covered in ice? Some areas here have not received rain for about 1000 years. Therefore, it is said that the environment of some areas here is similar to the environment of Mars. Because of this, an opinion has been formed that the people living there should live in Antarctica and be trained in that environment while planning the settlement based on the progress of the future exploration of Mars.


Population of Antarctica

How many people live in Antarctica? – Australian Antarctic Program

According to the current reports, the population of Antarctica does not exceed 200. In some cases, it is said that the value is around 150. This temporary population consists of groups of scientists conducting various research in Antarctica. However, births in Antarctica have also been reported in several cases. Norwegian, Chilean, and Argentinian parents have chosen Antarctica to give birth to their children in this way and their names have high news value. However, at certain times, the number of people visiting Antarctica is as high as forty thousand, and it is said that the number of scientists working in Antarctica during that period increases to ten thousand.


Ownership of Antarctica

According to an agreement reached between representatives of many countries, no country has the right to claim rights to Antarctica. Antarctica is a completely demilitarized zone and only experimental operations can be conducted there. It is mandatory factor to contact the representatives of each country to get permission for that. Also, permission should be obtained in the same way for the construction of operation centers here.


Residents of Antarctica

Although we talk about the limitations of the Antarctic population, Antarctica is home to a large animal community. Aquatic creatures like penguins, fishes, and whales have taken the region around this continent as their habitat. However, Antarctica also holds the record of being the only continent in the world that is not inhabited by ants.


The hole in the ozone layer

Around 1985, the world was shocked when a hole in the ozone layer was observed near Antarctica. As a result, the Montreal Convention was established, and its purpose is to protect the ozone layer. Scientists believe that it will be possible to completely restore the ozone layer in the next hundred years.


There are so many types of facts about Antarctica. Nevertheless, the above facts are the most special. I hope these facts about Antarctica would be a great help for your travel journey.