We are going to talk about some of the strangest islands. These islands are called Phantom Islands. These islands were believed to exist in the world for a long time and were recorded on world maps. But by now these islands have been removed from the earth and some maps. You will understand the reasons when you read this article. Here are the 5 islands that mysteriously disappeared from the world.


  1. Thule

In the distant past, Tuli Island was considered the highest island on the world map border. Its Reports about Tully Island dates to the 4th century BC. The first mention of this wonderful island is in the expedition reports of Pythias, a Greek explorer. Pythias also noted that on this cold island, where an undeveloped group of people live, who earn their living from farming, there is no night during the summer season. It is said that in the world maps created by Ptolemy in 100 AD, this island of Tully was drawn above Britain. However, no information about this island is known till today and some believe that Thuli Island is an imaginary island created by Pythias. Others believe that Pythias mistook the island of Tully for Norway or Iceland.


  1. Tuanaki

In the 1840s, several Polynesian and European explorers reported on Tuanaki Island. Some people who landed on this island said that this island is inhabited by a very friendly group of natives. Through this information, European sailors and explorers had a great desire to find this new island. Although many people were engaged in exploration until the 20th century after finding this island called Yaya, which is located near Cook Island, no one was able to find Tuanaki Island. Because of this, some believe that this island may have sunk into the ocean floor due to a volcanic eruption.


  1. Sandy Island

Sandy Island is an island marked on the world map close to Australia and New Caledonia. The first mention of this island was by the British explorer James Cook who visited this area in the 1770s. Then again in the 1870s, a group of people on a whaling ship named Velocity reported seeing this island. For more than a century, this island has been included in various maps saying that this island is real. Not only that, but this Sandy Island has also been marked on Google Maps. In the year 2000, a set of radio freaks who were sailing near this island realized that there is no such island according to the map. Although they announced this through a message, the Australians are conducting a formal investigation on Sandy Island only after 12 years. Through the tests, they conclude that there is no such island there. They believe that those who traveled near this area were deceived into thinking that it was an island by a collection of rocks collected from volcanic eruptions.


  1. Hy- Brazil

Hy Brazil Island is a mysterious island that has been recorded on world maps since the 14th century. There are many Celtic legends about this island which is said to be located close to Ireland. According to some stories, this island is constantly covered with fog. This island has been visible to the naked eye for about 7 years. However, in the distant past, there have been many reports about people who accidentally came across this island and landed on this island. The island of Hy Brazil has been included in world maps until the 1800s. However, until now, no strong evidence has been found to accept that High Brazil Island exists.


  1. Antillia

Antillia means an island that was recorded in 15th-century maps. This island was noted between Asia and Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. In that way, before this island was recorded on the maps, very interesting legends had been spread about this island. According to those stories, the purest Christianity has been safely left on this island. Legends say that this island was found by a group of Christian priests fleeing the Muslim invasions of the Iberian Peninsula in the seven hundred years AD while sailing along the Atlantic Ocean. It is said that they established cities on this beautiful island and practiced Christianity. However, this island is still considered an undiscovered island. The fate of this island, which is recorded even in the reports of Columbus, is still a mystery today.


Are you also someone who likes to know about mysterious things? I think that the above-mentioned islands that mysteriously disappeared from the world are very important to you.