It is not that difficult to get on a comfortable journey in a car. Nevertheless, some journeys must be traveled with great difficulty. Here are the top 5 most challenging destinations to travel on the earth.


  1. Pitcairn Islands

Pitcairn Island is a small island where about fifty people live. Can you imagine what is difficult to achieve in this? This is known as the least accessible state in the world. There is no place for planes to land on this island. The nearest airport is five hundred kilometres away. You have to come there by flight and from there you have to go to the island by boat. It’s not as easy as you think. Do not go by boat for five hundred kilometers.


  1. Mountain K2

This is the second-highest mountain in the world. It is situated between the China-Pakistan borders. Some people say that climbing K2 is more difficult than climbing Everest. Only 375 people have climbed to the top. 86 people died. That means about one in four people died. Scary right? It is said that due to the rugged nature of this mountain, so many dangerous reports have been made.


  1. Paro Taktsang

Bhutan is a Buddhist country, so there are many old temples. This place is also a temple. It is in Paro Valley, Paro District, Bhutan. The temple is on the top of a hill. The upper part is built leaning on the slope. The journey to this temple located at 3000 feet is extremely dangerous. When you are looking at the slope of the mountain and the body is sure to tingle while walking slowly.


  1. Forbidden Kingdom

It is located near the city of Pokhara in Nepal. You must climb up for about eleven days in an extremely cold environment. It was first opened to tourists in the 1990s. The people of Nepal believe that there was a kingdom in this valley. They say it has disappeared now. In any case, while climbing up, you will come across small towns and villages. However, the journey is difficult.


  1. Snake Island

This place is in Brazil. Going through this island is like going on a trip with death. According to scientists, there are five snakes per square meter on this island. After the man who took care of the lighthouse on this island was killed by a snake attack, the Brazilian government took steps to make the lighthouse work automatically. You can imagine the danger.


Are you someone who is looking forward to traveling to such challenging and dangerous destinations? Therefore, I think it is very important to know about the top 5 most challenging destinations to travel to on earth. But think twice before reaching these destinations.